Id Photo
Hoel Queffelec

Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck
Université de Montpellier
Bâtiment 9, Bureau 307
Case courrier 051
Place Eugène Bataillon
34095 Montpellier Cedex 5, France

Phone: +33 (0)4 67 14 35 51
Email: hoel.queffelec(-at-)

Chargé de recherche CNRS

Institut Montpelliérain Alexander Grothendieck 

Marie Sklodowska-Curie

I have a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship for 2022-2024. I was at the MSI, ANU until August 2023. I organized a learning seminar: see the dedicated page, and a workshop on May 8-9: Braids.


The 2024 edition of the Winterbraids conference will be held in Montpellier!

Research topics

My work takes place at the interface between algebraic topology, in particular knot theory, and representation theory of quantum groups. More specifically, my interests cover:
