Latest publications

  • Thomas Haettel, Jingyin Huang, Lattices, Garside structures and weakly modular graphs Treillis, structures de Garside et graphes faiblement modulaires hal-03843805

  • Clément Dupont, Motifs : un tour d'horizon hal-04407529

  • François Vilar, Local subcell monolithic DG/FV convex property preserving scheme on unstructured grids and entropy consideration hal-04659315

  • Ibrahim Bouzalmat, Dynamics of a stochastic epidemic model integrating unreported cases with a general contact susceptible function hal-04654998

  • Hamza Ennaji, Jalal M. Fadili, Hedy Attouch, STOCHASTIC MONOTONE INCLUSION WITH CLOSED LOOP DISTRIBUTIONS hal-04652333

  • Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, Marien-Lorenzo Hanot, Marwa Salah, Serendipity discrete complexes with enhanced regularity hal-04651866

  • Damien Calaque, Pavel Safronov, Shifted cotangent bundles, symplectic groupoids and deformation to the normal cone hal-04646250

  • Julien Gibaud, Xavier Bry, Catherine Trottier, Generalized linear model based on latent factors and supervised components hal-04263074

  • Rodrigo Maulen-Soto, Jalal Fadili, Hedy Attouch, Peter Ochs, An SDE Perspective on Stochastic Inertial Gradient Dynamics with Time-Dependent Viscosity and Geometric Damping hal-04637159

  • Vincent Guinot, Antoine Rousseau, Large Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy explicit scheme for one-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws hal-03882644

  • Léo Pujol, Pierre-André Garambois, Carole Delenne, Jean-Louis Perrin, Adjoint-based sensitivity analysis and assimilation of multi-source data for the inference of spatio-temporal parameters in a 2D urban flood hydraulic model hal-04643149

  • Pascal Azerad, Marien-Lorenzo Hanot, Numerical solution of the div-curl problem by finite element exterior calculus hal-03530253

  • Oceane Cassan, Charles-Henri Lecellier, Antoine Martin, Laurent Bréhélin, Sophie Lèbre, Optimizing data integration improves Gene Regulatory Network inference in Arabidopsis thaliana hal-04625944

  • Jérôme Droniou, Gianmarco Manzini, Liam Yemm, The eXtended Virtual Element Method for elliptic problems with weakly singular solutions hal-04438406

  • Jean Douçot, Gabriele Rembado, Matteo Tamiozzo, Local wild mapping class groups and cabled braids Groupes modulaires sauvages locaux et tresses câblées hal-03748600

  • Jorgen Ellegaard Andersen, Alessandro Malusà, Gabriele Rembado, Genus-one complex quantum Chern--Simons theory Théorie de Chern--Simons quantique complexe en genre 1 hal-03748597

  • Gabriele Rembado, A colourful classification of (quasi) root systems and hyperplane arrangements hal-03748604

  • Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen, Alessandro Malusà, Gabriele Rembado, Sp(1)-Symmetry Hyper-Kähler Quantisation Quantification hyperkählérienne Sp(1)-symétrique hal-03748603

  • Giovanni Felder, Gabriele Rembado, Singular modules for affine Lie algebras, and applications to irregular WZNW conformal blocks Modules de singularité pour les algèbres de Lie affines, et applications aux blocs conformes irréguliers à la WZNW hal-03748599

  • Michel Nguifo, Stephane Puechmorel, NON DEGENERACY OF AFFINELIKE LIE ALGEBRA hal-03655570

  • Philip Boalch, Jean Douçot, Gabriele Rembado, Twisted local wild mapping class groups: configuration spaces, fission trees and complex braids hal-03788461

  • Stéphane Baseilhac, Philippe Roche, Unrestricted quantum moduli algebras, II: noetherianity and simple fraction rings at roots of 1 hal-03265204

  • Tran-Trung Nghiem, K-stable valuations and Calabi-Yau metrics on affine spherical varieties Valuations K-stables et métriques de Calabi-Yau sur les variétés affines sphériques hal-04602819

  • Tanguy Lefort, Antoine Affouard, Benjamin Charlier, Jean-Christophe Lombardo, Mathias Chouet, Hervé Goëau, Joseph Salmon, Pierre Bonnet, Alexis Joly, Cooperative learning of Pl@ntNet's Artificial Intelligence algorithm: how does it work and how can we improve it? hal-04603038

  • Thibaut Delcroix, Jakob Hultgren, SYZ and optimal transport stability of Weyl polytopes hal-04600121

  • Elodie Brunel, Fabienne Comte, Céline Duval, Nonparametric estimation for additive concurrent regression models hal-04600808

  • Marianne Bessemoulin-Chatard, Hélène Mathis, Relative Entropy for the Numerical Diffusive Limit of the Linear Jin-Xin System hal-04598587

  • Thibaut Delcroix, Métriques de Kähler canoniques sur les variétés sphériques Canonical Kähler metrics on spherical varieties tel-04614000

  • King Leung Lee, Asymptotic Chow stability of symmetric reflexive toric varieties hal-04591676

  • Denis Bonheure, Matthieu Hillairet, Clara Patriarca, Gianmarco Sperone, Long-time behavior of an anisotropic rigid body interacting with a Poiseuille flow in an unbounded 2D channel Comportement en temps long d'un corsp anisotrope en interaction avec un écoulement de Poiseuille dans un canal bidimensionnel hal-04592831

  • Alice Cleynen, Benoîte de Saporta, Orlane Rossini, Régis Sabbadin, Meritxell Vinyals, Deep reinforcement learning for controlled piecewise deterministic Markov process in cancer treatment follow-up hal-04593903

  • Axel Dubar, Tanguy Lefort, Joseph Salmon, peerannot: A framework for label aggregation in crowdsourced datasets hal-04562830

  • Zaineb Smida, Lionel Cucala, Ali Gannoun, Ghislain Durif, Nonparametric tests and funStatTest R package for functional data hal-04579217

  • Tanguy Lefort, Antoine Affouard, Pierre Bonnet, Benjamin Charlier, Alexis Joly, Joseph Salmon, Cooperative learning of Pl@ntNet’s Artificial Intelligence algorithm using label aggregation hal-04574223

  • Joseph Salmon, Collective Intelligence and Collaborative Data Science hal-04588009

  • Quentin Richard, Marc Choisy, Ramsès Djidjou-Demasse, Thierry Lefèvre, Epidemiological impacts of age structures on human malaria transmission hal-04231975

  • Malick Pane, Quentin Richard, Ousmane Seydi, Ramsès Djidjou-Demasse, Mathematical modeling of intra-and inter-species interactions in mixed malaria within-host infections hal-04580095

  • Alberto Medina, Andrés Villabon, Introduccion a las Geometrias Lorentziana y Affine Plana de Gl(2,R) Introduction aux géométries Lorentzienne et affine plane de Gl(2,R) hal-04561292

  • Sebastián Nash, Cristian Escauriaza, Maria Teresa Contreras, Antoine Rousseau, THE IMPACT OF COASTLINE ANTHROPOGENIC GEOMORPHOLOGICAL ALTERATIONS ON FLOOD HAZARDS hal-04577373

  • Tanguy Lefort, Benjamin Charlier, Alexis Joly, Joseph Salmon, Weighted majority vote using Shapley values in crowdsourcing hal-04573727

  • Fidy Heritiana Andrianarivony, Elinambinina Rajaonarifara, Stefana Tabera Tsilefa, Angelo Fulgence Raherinirina, Jean-Claude Régnier, A lattice structure in statistical implicative analysis Treillis des graphes implicatifs hal-04572544

  • King Leung Lee, Naoto Yotsutani, Chow stability of $\lambda$-stable toric varieties hal-04591629

  • Thibaut Delcroix, Limits of conical Kähler-Einstein metrics on rank one horosymmetric spaces hal-04258511

  • Ilaria Fontana, Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, An a posteriori error analysis based on equilibrated stresses for finite element approximations of frictional contact hal-04375623

  • Gwyn Bellamy, Raphaël Paegelow, The Procesi bundle over the $\Gamma$-fixed points of the Hilbert scheme of points in $\mathbb{C}^2$ Le fibré de Procesi au dessus des $\Gamma$-points fixes du schéma ponctuel de Hilbert dans $\mathbb{C}^2$ hal-04648590

  • Gilles Didier, Michel Laurin, Testing extinction events and temporal shifts in diversification and fossilization rates through the skyline Fossilized Birth‐Death (FBD) model: The example of some mid‐Permian synapsid extinctions hal-04577477

  • Jean Baptiste Carluer, Laura Steinmann, Clément Carré, André Mas, Gabriel Krouk, Classification and Regression Trees to predict Transcription Factor Combinatorial Interaction in scRNA-seq data hal-04626016

  • Lorenzo Botti, Michele Botti, Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, Francesco Carlo Massa, Stability, convergence, and pressure-robustness of numerical schemes for incompressible flows with hybrid velocity and pressure hal-04552438

  • Manuel Bächtold, Jacqueline Papet, Dominique Barbe Asensio, André Mas, Sandra Borne, Appolinaire Ngoua Ondo, Predicting performance in exams and deep approach to learning in first year university students: a new look at academic success hal-04555783


  • Jérôme Droniou, Ali Haidar, Roland Masson, Analysis of a VEM-fully discrete polytopal scheme with bubble stabilisation for contact mechanics with Tresca friction Analyse d'un schéma polytopal entièrement discret VEM avec stabilisation par bulle pour la mécanique des contacts avec friction de Tresca. hal-04542460

  • Alan Pinoy, Asymptotic strictly pseudoconvex CR structure for asymptotically locally complex hyperbolic manifolds hal-03549566

  • Daniele A. Di Pietro, Zhaonan Dong, Guido Kanschat, Pierre Matalon, Andreas Rupp, Homogeneous multigrid for hybrid discretizations: application to HHO methods hal-04518103

  • Claude Cibils, Marcelo Lanzilotta, Eduardo N. Marcos, Andrea Solotar, On the first $\tau$-tilting Hochschild cohomology of an algebra Sur la cohomologie $\tau$-inclinée de Hochschild en degré un d'une algèbre. hal-04575478

  • Jean Peyhardi, Fabien Laroche, Frederic Mortier, Pólya-splitting distributions as stationary solutions of multivariate birth-death processes under extended neutral theory hal-03888261

  • Indranil Biswas, Sorin Dumitrescu, Lynn Heller, Sebastian Heller, João Pedro dos Santos, ON THE MONODROMY OF HOLOMORPHIC DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS hal-03863150

  • Benoîte de Saporta, Alice Cleynen, Orlane Rossini, Régis Sabbadin, Amélie Vernay, Aymar Thierry d'Argenlieu, Stochastic control for medical treatment optimization hal-04550854

  • Clément Dupont, An introduction to mixed Tate motives hal-04543061

  • Sylvain Maillot, A class of open surfaces with algorithmically solvable homeomorphism problem hal-04529301

  • Cleynen Alice, Benoîte de Saporta, Orlane Rossini, Régis Sabbadin, Contrôle dynamique stochastique : une approche à base de modèles semi-Markov hal-04552358



  • Jorge Luis RAMIREZ ALFONSIN, Ivan Rasskin, Ball packings for links hal-04527272

  • Gabriele Rembado, Matteo Tamiozzo, Jean Douçot, Moduli spaces of untwisted wild Riemann surfaces Espaces de modules de surfaces de Riemann non tordues hal-04610019

  • Rodrigo Maulen-Soto, Jalal Fadili, Hedy Attouch, Peter Ochs, Stochastic Inertial Dynamics Via Time Scaling and Averaging hal-04520106

  • Cécile Ouvrier-Buffet, Marie-Line Gardes, Simon Modeste, Sonia Yvain-Prébiski, Étude épistémologique de pratiques contemporaines de chercheurs : caractérisation et apports pour la recherche en didactique des mathématiques Document de travail hal-04518907

  • Hedy Attouch, Jalal M. Fadili, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, The stochastic Ravine accelerated gradient method with general extrapolation coefficients hal-04506457

  • Michele Bolognesi, Hanine Awada, Claudio Pedrini, K3 surfaces and cubic fourfolds with Abelian motive hal-03413172

  • José Galaz, Maria Kazolea, Antoine Rousseau, The linear hybrid Boussinesq-SaintVenant model is well-posed and produces O(h^2/L^2) reflections hal-04612106

  • Michel Boyom, Stephane Puechmorel, Spectral sequences arising from the gauge equation hal-04514836

  • Charles Castaing, Christiane Godet-Thobie, Manuel Monteiro Marques, BV Solutions to Evolution Inclusion with a Time and Space Dependent Maximal Monotone Operator hal-04582960

  • Jérôme Droniou, Guillaume Enchéry, Isabelle Faille, Ali Haidar, Roland Masson, A bubble VEM-fully discrete polytopal scheme for mixed-dimensional poromechanics with frictional contact at matrix fracture interfaces Un schéma polytopal VEM entièrement-discret pour la poromécanique de dimensions mixtes avec contact de friction aux interfaces de fracture de la matrice hal-04343287

  • Rodrigo Maulen-Soto, Jalal M. Fadili, Hedy Attouch, Tikhonov Regularization for Stochastic Non-Smooth Convex Optimization in Hilbert Spaces hal-04506500

  • François Vilar, Rémi Abgrall, A Posteriori Local Subcell Correction of High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Scheme for Conservation Laws on Two-Dimensional Unstructured Grids hal-04556790

  • Francesco Bonaldi, Jérôme Droniou, Roland Masson, Numerical analysis of a mixed-dimensional poromechanical model with frictionless contact at matrix–fracture interfaces hal-03541096

  • Christophe Hache, Catherine Mendonça Dias, Luca Agostino, Fidy Heritiana Andrianarivony, Laurence Corny, Catherine David, Anne Fischer, Christophe Gilger, Jérémie Maugez, Karine Millon Faure, Charles-Edouard Saint-Léon, Jean-Michel Zakhartchouk, Mathématiques et langues, propositions pédagogiques hal-04521050

  • Benjamin Heuclin, Frederic Mortier, Sébastien Tisné, Julien Gibaud, Catherine Trottier, Marie Denis, Bayesian group fused priors hal-04486172

  • Katia Ait-Ameur, Yvon Maday, Multi-step variant of the parareal algorithm: convergence analysis and numerics hal-04549056

  • Daniel Mantilla, Daniela D Vera, Andrés Felipe Ortiz, Lorenzo Piergallini, Juan José Lara, Franck Nicoud, Oliverio Vargas, Vincent Costalat, Optimizing Patient Care: A Multicentric Study on the Clinical Impact of Sim&Size™ Simulation Software in Intracranial Aneurysm Treatment With Pipeline Embolization Devices hal-04568477

  • Tristan Bozec, Damien Calaque, Sarah Scherotzke, Relative critical loci and quiver moduli hal-02861404

  • Fidy Heritiana Andrianarivony, Anne Cortella, Jean-Jacques Salone, Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Angelo Raherinirina, Extraction des règles d’association basée sur la mesure classique d’intensité d’implication: application en didactique des mathématiques Extraction of association rules based on the classical measure of intensity of involvement: application to mathematics didactics hal-04194555

  • Michel Duprez, Vanessa Lleras, Alexei Lozinski, Vincent Vigon, Killian Vuillemot, φ-FEM-FNO: a new approach to train a Neural Operator as a fast PDE solver for variable geometries hal-04473794

  • Thomas Hausberger, Julie Jovignot, The challenge of structuralist thinking in abstract algebra: a transition problem hal-04471840

  • Lourenço Beirão da Veiga, Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, Kirubell Biniam Haile, A Péclet-robust discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear diffusion with advection hal-04458310

  • Antoine Médoc, A refinement of Horn's conjecture Un raffinement de la conjecture de Horn hal-04456744

  • Damien Calaque, Victor Roca I Lucio, Associators from an operadic point of view hal-04487233

  • Tomás Caraballo, Ibrahim Bouzalmat, Adel Settati, Aadil Lahrouz, Abdeladim Nait Brahim, Bilal Harchaoui, Stochastic COVID‐19 epidemic model incorporating asymptomatic and isolated compartments hal-04506238

  • Damien Calaque, Giovanni Felder, Gabriele Rembado, Richard Wentworth, Wild orbits and generalised singularity modules: stratifications and quantisation hal-04487227

  • Tran-Trung Nghiem, Calabi-Yau metrics on rank two symmetric spaces with horospherical tangent cone at infinity hal-04428381

  • Jérôme Droniou, Marien Hanot, Todd Oliynyk, A polytopal discrete de Rham complex on manifolds, with application to the Maxwell equations hal-04424013

  • José Galaz, Maria Kazolea, Antoine Rousseau, Coupling Dispersive Shallow Water Models by Deriving Asymptotic Interface Operators hal-03851031

  • Jérôme Droniou, Mohamed Laaziri, Roland Masson, Discretisations of mixed-dimensional Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical models preserving energy estimates hal-04410001


  • Ali Haidar, Fabien Marche, François Vilar, Free-boundary problems for wave-structure interactions in shallow-water: DG-ALE description and local subcell correction hal-04118208

  • Benoîte de Saporta, Aymar Thierry d'Argenlieu, Régis Sabbadin, Alice Cleynen, Medical follow-up optimization: A Monte-Carlo planning strategy hal-04382747

  • Daniele A. Di Pietro, Jérôme Droniou, Jia Jia Qian, A pressure-robust Discrete de Rham scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations hal-04375767

  • Stéphane Baseilhac, Philippe Roche, Unrestricted quantum moduli algebras, II: Noetherianity and simple fraction rings at roots of $1$ hal-03268803

  • Vivien Szabo, Sarah Baccialone, Florentin Kucharczak, Cyril Dargazanli, Oceane Garnier, Frederique Pavillard, Nicolas Molinari, Vincent Costalat, Pierre-Francois Perrigault, Kevin Chalard, CT perfusion-guided administration of IV milrinone is associated with a reduction in delayed cerebral infarction after subarachnoid hemorrhage hal-04634496

  • Sylvain Maillot, One-ended 3-manifolds without locally finite toric decompositions hal-02997660

  • Khalil Ben Hassine, Claire Seydoux, Sonia Khier, Youssef Daali, Michael Medinger, Joerg Halter, Dominik Heim, Yves Chalandon, Urs Schanz, Gayathri Nair, Nathan Cantoni, Jakob R Passweg, Chakradhara Rao Satyanarayana Uppugunduri, Marc Ansari, Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Simulation with Pharmacogenetic Insights Support the Relevance of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Myeloablative Busulfan Dosing in Adult HSCT hal-04492166