Latest publications

  • Eduardo S. Ogasawara, Rebecca Salles, Fabio Porto, Esther Pacitti, Event Detection in Time Series lirmm-04776385

  • Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, Jérôme Droniou, Marien-Lorenzo Hanot, Silvano Pitassi, Uniform Poincaré inequalities for the discrete de Rham complex of differential forms hal-04914811

  • Guillaume Coulaud, Reza Akbarinia, Audrey Brouillet, Florent Masseglia, Leveraging Data Seasonality and Matrix Profile for Anomaly Detection: Application to Climate Time Series hal-04906596

  • Mélanie Karlsen, Sonia Khier, David Fabre, David Marchionni, Jérôme Azé, Sandra Bringay, Pascal Poncelet, Elisa Calvier, Covariate Model Selection Approaches for Population Pharmacokinetics: A Systematic Review of Existing Methods, From SCM to AI hal-04905888

  • Juliette Veuillez--Mainard, Simon Modeste, Évaluation entre pairs en mathématiques : activité d'étudiant•es lors d'évaluations de preuves hal-04252795

  • Jean-Baptiste Fermanian, Pierre Humbert, Gilles Blanchard, Transductive Conformal Inference for Ranking hal-04895043

  • Malick Pane, Quentin Richard, Ousmane Seydi, Ramsès Djidjou-Demasse, Mathematical modeling of intra-and inter-species interactions in mixed malaria within-host infections hal-04580095

  • Hamza Ennaji, Jalal M. Fadili, Hedy Attouch, Stochastic monotone inclusion with closed loop distributions hal-04652333

  • Silvano Pitassi, Generators of $H^1(\Gamma, \partial \Gamma^c)$ with $\partial \Gamma^c \subset \partial \Gamma$ for Triangulated Surfaces $\Gamma$: Construction and Classification of Global Loops hal-04876473

  • Francis Brown, Clément Dupont, Positive geometries and canonical forms via mixed Hodge theory hal-04871076

  • Mathieu Cances, Luc Giraud, Michael Bauerheim, Laurent Gicquel, Franck Nicoud, Robustness and reliability of state-space, frame-based modeling for thermoacoustics hal-04734953

  • Damien Calaque, Derived symplectic geometry hal-04179089

  • Damien Calaque, Not too little intervals for quantum mechanics hal-04924533

  • Nathan Lombard, On resolving the tension between visiting mathematical works and questioning the quantum world hal-04912367

  • Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Questions de grammaire et de traduction dans les évaluations mathématiques en contexte bi-plurilingue Grammar and translation issues in mathematical assessments in bi-plurilingual contexts hal-04787138

  • Joris Pensier, Arthur Naudet-Lasserre, Clément Monet, Mathieu Capdevila, Yassir Aarab, Ines Lakbar, Gerald Chanques, Nicolas Molinari, Audrey de Jong, Samir Jaber, Noninvasive respiratory support following extubation in critically ill adults with obesity: a systematic review and network meta-analysis hal-04847797

  • Lukas Brantner, Ricardo Campos, Joost Nuiten, PD Operads and Explicit Partition Lie Algebras hal-03229237

  • Charles-Elie Rabier, Céline Delmas, The AdaptSgenoLasso, an extended version of the SgenoLasso, for gene mapping and for genomic prediction using the extremes hal-04059080

  • Sabrina Kumschick, Lysandre Journiac, Océane Boulesnane-Genguant, Christophe Botella, Robin Pouteau, Mathieu Rouget, Mapping potential environmental impacts of alien species in the face of climate change hal-04866133

  • Francesco Bonaldi, Daniele A. Di Pietro, Jérôme Droniou, Kaibo Hu, An exterior calculus framework for polytopal methods hal-04037653

  • Matteo Contini, Victor Illien, Mohan Julien, Mervyn Ravitchandirane, Victor Russias, Arthur Lazennec, Thomas Chevrier, Cam Ly Rintz, Léanne Carpentier, Pierre Gogendeau, César Leblanc, Serge Bernard, Alexandre Boyer, Justine Talpaert Daudon, Sylvain Poulain, Julien Barde, Alexis Joly, Sylvain Bonhommeau, Thomas Chevrier, Seatizen Atlas: a collaborative dataset of underwater and aerial marine imagery hal-04918784

  • Alberto Medina, Andrés Villabon, Introduction to Lorentzian and Flat Affine Geometry of GL(2,R) Introduction aux Geometries Lorentzienne et Affine Plate de GL(2,R) hal-04561292

  • Clément Monet, Thomas Renault, Yassir Aarab, Joris Pensier, Albert Prades, Ines Lakbar, Clément Le Bihan, Mathieu Capdevila, Audrey de Jong, Nicolas Molinari, Samir Jaber, Feasibility and safety of ultra-low volume ventilation (≤ 3 ml/kg) combined with extra corporeal carbon dioxide removal (ECCO2R) in acute respiratory failure patients hal-04858019

  • Jean-Noël Bacro, Carlo Gaetan, Thomas Opitz, Gwladys Toulemonde, Multivariate peaks-over-threshold with latent variable representations of generalized Pareto vectors hal-03965533

  • Benoîte de Saporta, Aymar Thierry D’argenlieu, Régis Sabbadin, Alice Cleynen, A Monte-Carlo planning strategy for medical follow-up optimization: Illustration on multiple myeloma data hal-04382747

  • Zhengguang Guo, Matthieu Hillairet, Extension of Hamel paradox for the 2D exterior Navier-Stokes problem hal-04850451

  • Mathieu Jozwiak, Margaret Hayes, Emmanuel Canet, Alexandre Lautrette, Maël-Morvan Duroyon, Nicolas Molinari, Boris Jung, Management of diabetic keto-acidosis in adult patients admitted to intensive care unit: an ESICM-endorsed international survey hal-04852256

  • Hedy Attouch, Jalal M. Fadili, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, The stochastic Ravine accelerated gradient method with general extrapolation coefficients hal-04506457

  • Ikram El Miqdadi, Fatima Abouzid, Salem Benferhat, Nanée Chahinian, Carole Delenne, A Graph-Based Representation of Wastewater Maps hal-04844749

  • Pierre-Louis Montagard, Iván Pan, Alvaro Rittatore, On polynomial automorphisms commuting with a simple derivation hal-04840230

  • Lukáš Picek, Christophe Botella, Maximilien Servajean, César Leblanc, Rémi Palard, Théo Larcher, Benjamin Deneu, Diego Marcos, Pierre Bonnet, Alexis Joly, GeoPlant: Spatial Plant Species Prediction Dataset hal-04852083

  • Saroj Prasad Chhatoi, Didier Henrion, Swann Marx, Nicolas Seguin, Optimizing quasi-dissipative evolution equations with the moment-SOS hierarchy hal-04828131

  • Thomas Haettel, Lattices, injective metrics and the $K(\pi,1)$ conjecture hal-03400118

  • Cédric Bonnafé, K3 surfaces and Weyl group of type $E_6$ hal-04827296

  • Jerad Zherui Liaw, Abel Yu Hao Chai, Sue Han Lee, Pierre Bonnet, Alexis Joly, Can Language Improve Visual Features For Distinguishing Unseen Plant Diseases? hal-04851648

  • Benoit Lange, ENeRgy sustaInability COding, a practical use case hal-04925890

  • Thomas Baier, Michele Bolognesi, Johan Martens, Christian Pauly, The Prym-Hitchin Connection and Anti-Invariant Level-Rank Duality hal-04829960

  • Rolf Biehler, V. Durand-Guerrier, María Trigueros, New trends in didactic research in university mathematics education hal-04807708

  • Andrea Gilberto Filippini, Luca Arpaia, Vincent Perrier, Rodrigo Pedreros, Philippe Bonneton, D. Lannes, Fabien Marche, Sebastien de Brye, Simon Delmas, Sophie Lecacheux, Faïza Boulahya, Mario Ricchiuto, An operational discontinuous Galerkin shallow water model for coastal flood assessment hal-04761792

  • Diariétou Sambakhé, Eric Gozé, Jean-Noël Bacro, Michael Dingkuhn, Myriam Adam, Malick Ndiaye, Bertrand Müller, Lauriane Rouan, Ideotype map research based on a crop model in the context of a climatic gradient hal-04700129

  • Abel Yu Hao Chai, Sue Han Lee, Fei Siang Tay, Pierre Bonnet, Alexis Joly, Beyond supervision: Harnessing self-supervised learning in unseen plant disease recognition hal-04815172

  • Orlane Rossini, Alice Cleynen, Nikolay E Shirokikh, Shafi Mahmud, Predicting Yeast Translation Efficiency from RNA Modification and Degradation Features: A Machine Learning Approach hal-04828546

  • Paul Bastide, Pauline Rocu, Johannes Wirtz, Gabriel Hassler, François Chevenet, Denis Fargette, Marc Suchard, Simon Dellicour, Philippe Lemey, Stéphane Guindon, Modeling the velocity of evolving lineages and predicting dispersal patterns lirmm-04795029

  • Gaëtan Planchon, Thomas Hausberger, Developing Kleinian Praxeologies: The Case of the Integral hal-04776987

  • Minh-Thu Tran-Nguyen, Salem Benferhat, Nanée Chahinian, Carole Delenne, Thanh-Nghi Do, Building a Wastewater Network Graph from Inspection Videos hal-04783710

  • Jérôme Droniou, Muhammad Awais Khan, Kim-Ngan Le, Numerical analysis of the stochastic Stefan problem hal-04884659

  • Hang Jung Ling, Salomé Bru, Julia Puig, Florian Vixège, Simon Mendez, Franck Nicoud, Pierre-Yves Courand, Olivier Bernard, Damien Garcia, Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Intraventricular Vector Flow Mapping hal-04627945

  • Tristan Roget, Claire Macmurray, Pierre Jolivet, Sylvie Meleard, Michael Rera, A scenario for an evolutionary selection of ageing hal-04780157

  • Thibaut Delcroix, Weight sensitivity in K-stability of Fano varieties hal-04783284

  • Rolf Biehler, Viviane Durand-Guerrier, María Trigueros, New trends in didactic research in university mathematics education Nouvelles tendances de la recherche en didactique de l'enseignement universitaire des mathématiques. hal-04756632

  • Tristan Bozec, Damien Calaque, Sarah Scherotzke, Topological field theories associated with Calabi-Yau categories hal-04751343

  • Quentin Richard, Marc Choisy, Thierry Lefèvre, Ramsès Djidjou-Demasse, On the necessity of accounting for age structure in human malaria transmission modeling hal-04231975

  • Benoit Lange, Reza Akbarinia, Florent Masseglia, A One-Health Platform for Antimicrobial Resistance Data Analytics lirmm-04774438

  • Hoel Queffelec, Reidemeister’s theorem using transversality hal-04787735

  • Zaineb Smida, Thibault Laurent, Lionel Cucala, A Hotelling spatial scan statistic for functional data: application to economic and climate data hal-04734861

  • Benjamin Teo, Paul Bastide, Cécile Ané, Leveraging graphical model techniques to study evolution on phylogenetic networks hal-04733111

  • Michel Duprez, Vanessa Lleras, Alexei Lozinski, Vincent Vigon, Killian Vuillemot, Phi-FD : A well-conditioned finite difference method inspired by phi-FEM for general geometries on elliptic PDEs hal-04731164

  • Jean Peyhardi, Integer-valued autoregressive models based on quasi Pólya thinning operator hal-04730747

  • Jean Peyhardi, Integer-valued autoregressive models based on quasi Pólya thinning operator hal-04691912

  • Jessica Guerand, Cyril Imbert, Clément Mouhot, Gehring's Lemma for kinetic Fokker-Planck equations hal-04722545

  • Antoine Rousseau, José Daniel Galaz Mora, Atelier Tsunamilab à la Cité des Sciences hal-04912272

  • Jérôme Droniou, Mohamed Laaziri, Roland Masson, Discretisations of mixed-dimensional Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical models preserving energy estimates hal-04410001

  • Clément Dupont, Motifs : un tour d'horizon hal-04407529

  • A. Settati, T. Caraballo, A. Lahrouz, I. Bouzalmat, A. Assadouq, Stochastic SIR epidemic model dynamics on scale-free networks hal-04731078

  • Carolina Medina, Santino Ramirez, Jorge L. Ramirez Alfonsin, Gelasio Salazar, Positive links with arrangements of pseudocircles as shadows hal-04888451

  • Thomas Haettel, Jingyin Huang, Lattices, Garside structures and weakly modular graphs Treillis, structures de Garside et graphes faiblement modulaires hal-03843805

  • Alexis Boulin, Variable clustering of multivariate time series according to the dependence of their extremes Partitionnement des variables de séries temporelles multivariées selon la dépendance de leurs extrêmes tel-04767333

  • Nada Abla, Anne Claire Marrast, Elodie Jambert, Naomi Richardson, Stephan Duparc, Lisa Almond, Karen Rowland Yeo, Xian Pan, Joel Tarning, Ping Zhao, Janice Culpepper, Catriona Waitt, Charlotte Koldeweij, Susan Cole, Andrew S Butler, Sonia Khier, Jörg J Möhrle, Myriam El Gaaloul, Addressing health equity for breastfeeding women: primaquine for Plasmodium vivax radical cure hal-04840606

  • Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, Simon Mendez, Aurelio Edoardo Spadotto, A discrete de Rham discretization of interface diffusion problems with application to the Leaky Dielectric Model hal-04706374

  • Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Contribution to didactic research on the completeness/incompleteness of ordered fields of numbers Contribution aux recherches en didactique sur la complétude/incomplétude des corps ordonnés de nombres hal-04706558

  • Tanguy Lefort, Label ambiguity in crowdsourcing for classification and expert feedback Ambiguïté des étiquettes en classification et retours d'experts tel-04765794

  • Nadia Skifa, Fadil Boodoo, Carole Delenne, Renaud Hostache, Morgan Abily, Impact of training dataset size and its hydrometeorological typology on LSTM performance for rainfall-runoff modeling: a case study of the Severn river IMPACT DE LA TAILLE DU JEU DE DONNÉES D'ENTRAÎNEMENT ET DE SA TYPOLOGIE HYDROMÉTÉOROLOGIQUE SUR LES PERFORMANCES DES LSTM POUR LA MODÉLISATION DES ÉCOULEMENTS PLUVIAUX : UNE ÉTUDE DE CAS DE LA RIVIÈRE SEVERN hal-04375806

  • Vianney Bruned, André Mas, Sylvain Wlodarczyk, Weak convergence of particle swarm optimization hal-01918943

  • Michele Bolognesi, Zakaria Brahimi, Hanine Awada, Moduli of Cubic fourfolds and reducible OADP surfaces hal-04856969

  • Alberto Medina, Philippe Revoy, Algèbres de Lie et produit scalar invariant hal-04697882

  • Maeva Leitwein, G Durif, E Delpuech, P Gagnaire, B Ernande, M Vandeputte, A Vergnet, M Duranton, Frédéric Clota, F Allal, The fate of a polygenic phenotype within the genomic landscapes of introgression in the European seabass hybrid zone hal-04705605

  • Gloria Faccanoni, Bérénice Grec, Jean-Marc Hérard, Olivier Hurisse, Jonathan Jung, Samuel Kokh, Hélène Mathis, Michael Ndjinga, Nicolas Seguin, Editorial: Workshop “New Trends in Complex Flows” hal-04726638

  • Omar Et-Targuy, Carole Delenne, Salem Benferhat, Ahlame Begdouri, Thanh-Nghi Do, Truong-Thanh Ma, From GIS to Graphical Representation for Maintaining Connectivity of Wastewater Network Elements hal-04684574

  • Julien Gibaud, Xavier Bry, Catherine Trottier, Generalized linear model based on latent factors and supervised components hal-04263074

  • Erica Rievrs Borges, Maxime Réjou‐méchain, Sylvie Gourlet‐fleury, Gregoire Vincent, Frédéric Mortier, Xaxier Bry, Guillaume Cornu, Fidèle Baya, Félix Allah‐barem, Raphaël Pélissier, Evolutionary diversity impacts tropical forest biomass and productivity through disturbance‐mediated ecological pathways hal-04684808

  • Asilata Bapat, Hoel Queffelec, Some remarks about the faithfulness of the Burau representation of Artin--Tits groups hal-04787738

  • Clément Dupont, Erik Panzer, Brent Pym, Logarithmic morphisms, tangential basepoints, and little disks hal-04829995

  • Cyrille Joutard, Numerical Comparison of Some Saddlepoint Approximations Near the Endpoints of the Support hal-04845169

  • Innocent Ndikumana, Geoffrey Onaga, Agnès Pinel-Galzi, Pauline Rocu, Judith Hubert, Hassan Karakacha Wéré, Antony Adego, Mariam Nyongesa Wéré, Nils Poulicard, Maxime Hebrard, Simon Dellicour, Philippe Lemey, Erik Gilbert, Marie-José Dugué, François Chevenet, Paul Bastide, Stéphane Guindon, Denis Fargette, Eugénie Hébrard, Grains, trade and war in the multimodal transmission of Rice yellow mottle virus: an historical and phylogeographical retrospective hal-04795164

  • Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, Marien-Lorenzo Hanot, A discrete three-dimensional divdiv complex on polyhedral meshes with application to a mixed formulation of the biharmonic problem hal-04093192


  • Damien Calaque, Victor Carmona, ALGEBRAS OVER NOT TOO LITTLE DISCS hal-04924526

  • Constantin Vernicos, Convex compact surfaces with no bound on their synthetic Ricci curvature Surfaces compactes n'admettant pas de borne de leur courbure de Ricci synthetique hal-01922868

  • François Vilar, Local subcell monolithic DG/FV convex property preserving scheme on unstructured grids and entropy consideration hal-04659315

  • Daniele Di Pietro, Marien-Lorenzo Hanot, Uniform Poincaré inequalities for the Discrete de Rham complex on general domains hal-04220112

  • Ibrahim Bouzalmat, Dynamics of a stochastic epidemic model integrating unreported cases with a general contact susceptible function hal-04654998

  • Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, Marien-Lorenzo Hanot, Marwa Salah, Serendipity discrete complexes with enhanced regularity hal-04651866

  • Bernardo Cockburn, Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, Alexandre Ern, Bridging the Hybrid High-Order and Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin Methods: Summary hal-04680610

  • Damien Calaque, Pavel Safronov, Shifted cotangent bundles, symplectic groupoids and deformation to the normal cone hal-04646250

  • Raphaël Romero, Christophe Menichelli, Christophe Vroland, Jean-Michel Marin, Sophie Lèbre, Charles-Henri Lecellier, Laurent Bréhélin, TFscope: systematic analysis of the sequence features involved in the binding preferences of transcription factors lirmm-04696535

  • Renaud Hostache, Vita Ayoub, Marco Chini, Ramona Maria-Pelich, Patrick Matgen, Carole Delenne, Combining SAR imagery and topography for the automatic retrieval of floodwater depth maps hal-04827007

  • Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Aurélie Chesnais, Eléda Robo, Jean-Jacques Salone, Nathalie Auger, Marc Chalier, Sylvain Farge, Sylvie Méron-Minuth, Jérémi Sauvage, Translation and grammatical issues in the PISA items. Potential biases in the interpretation of students' answers hal-04724372

  • Vincent Berry, Arnaud Castelltort, Benoit Lange, Joan Teriihoania, Chouki Tibermacine, Catia Trubiani, Is it Worth Migrating a Monolith to Microservices? An Experience Report on Performance, Availability and Energy Usage hal-04781943

  • Rodrigo Maulen-Soto, Jalal Fadili, Hedy Attouch, Peter Ochs, An SDE Perspective on Stochastic Inertial Gradient Dynamics with Time-Dependent Viscosity and Geometric Damping hal-04637159

  • Solym Manou-Abi, Contribution to probabilistic and statistical modelling: stochastic models, statistical estimation, extremes and spatial models tel-04906688