Séminaire des Doctorant·e·s :

Le 17 mars 2021 à 15h - Visioconférence

Présentée par Mathis Léo -

Probabilistic Schubert Calculus

How many lines intersect 4 given lines in a space of dimension 3? If the space is complex the answer is (almost) always 2 and it can be computed using the so called Schubert Calculus. If the space is Real the answer can be either 0 or 2. We then investigate the probabilistic approach: In average how many lines intersect 4 random lines in real 3 dimensional space? In a joint work with Antonio Lerario and Peter Bürgisser we compute asymptotics for this kind of Schubert problems and give a framework to study probabilistic intersection problems that I will present here.
