Séminaire ACSIOM :

Le 23 novembre 2021 à 13.45 - salle 109 (1er étage)

Présentée par Sturmfels Bernd -

Linear PDE with Constant Coefficients

En commun avec NAGANA

We discuss practical methods for computing the space of solutions to an arbitrary homogeneous linear system of partial differential equations with constant coefficients. These rest on the Fundamental Principle of Ehrenpreis--Palamodov from the 1960s. We develop this further using recent advances in computational commutative algebra.

Séminaire via zoom: https://umontpellier-fr.zoom.us/j/99523402931?pwd=eTdwYTIxc1QrWDhFV2Z0c28vOFVpdz09
