Séminaire des Doctorant·e·s :

Le 07 décembre 2022 à 17:30 - Salle 109

Présentée par Basset Clarisse - Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier

Study of confined water inside single walled carbon nanotubes: transport mechanisms and objectives

In this work, we study the transport mechanisms of confined water inside single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). To do so, samples are prepared using photolithography, wet and dry etching and SWCNTs are grown by chemical vapor deposition. SWCNTs are then characterized electrically using a probe station, optically using SEM and their mechanical behavior are studied using a phase locked loop (PLL). With our new setup we are already able to distinguish SWCNTs of different metallicity (semi- conducting, metallic, semi-metallic), we are also able to open them and to see their mechanical vibrations. We study the vibrations of SWCNTs under high vacuum and at room temperature and we can already say that we’re almost as sensitive (270 × 10ି^-24g) as people working under high vacuum in a cryogenic environment (1.7 × 10ି^-24g). Finally, our experiments are reproducible since we can get similar sensitivities with several SWCNTs.
