Séminaire des Doctorant·e·s :

Le 13 septembre 2023 à 17:30 - Salle 109

Présentée par Lefort Tanguy - Université Montpellier

Data collection from a crowd: where is the noise coming from?

Citizen science can increase public engagement, improve our knowledge and help models perform better. Keeping humans in the loop is a way to obtain more data, faster, at a lesser cost than if we asked experts all the time. However, citizen science often comes with an issue: we collect noisy data from a crowd of workers. For example, in image classification, what can we do when workers disagree on the label of a given image? If there is no consensus, who is at fault? Is the mistake coming from the workers’ abilities or is the image simply not clear enough to be labeled? In this talk, we present different ways to learn from crowdsourced data. In particular, we look back to how datasets were created and how label ambiguities can naturally happen along the way.
