Séminaire Algèbre Géométrie Algébrique Topologie Algébrique :

Le 03 mars 2005 à 13:45 -

Présentée par Redondo Maria Julia - Bahia Blanca, Argentine

Laura algebras

For an artin algebra A the left and the right part of the module category have been defined by Happel, Reiten and Smalo, and have been used successfully to study the representation theory of quasi-tilted algebras, shod, weakly shod and laura algebras.
By definition, an indecomposable module M is in the left (right) part of the module category if all its predecessors (successors, respectively) have projective dimension at most one.
In a joint work with I. Assem and M. Lanzilotta we show that it is enough to consider "immediate" predecessors (successors, respectively).
Finally, using the skew group algebras theory, we exhibit several families of weakly shod and laura algebras.
