KeOps : A library written in C/C++/Cuda with convenient python, matlab and R bindings to compute operations involving kernels (convolutions and so on) with a GPU. It uses a "tiled implementation" in order to have a \(O(n)\) memory footprint instead of usual \(O(n^2)\) codes generated by high level libraries like Thrust.
Implicit modules : Next gen non-rigid deformations models with implicit modular definition.
Deformetrica: A comprehensive and professional quality software for the statistical treatment of shapes (curves, surfaces, images...) and longitudinal data. It is coded in python and is mainly developed by Aramis team members.
Fshapes Toolkit: Toolkit written in Matlab, C and Cuda that can be used to analyse functional shapes (sets of landmarks, curves or surfaces on which a scalar field is defined). A short movie illustrating an atlas estimation on the OCT dataset: