@article{hypre-srs, AUTHOR={Beir\~{a}o da Veiga, Louren\c{c}o and Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Haile, Kirubell B. and Radley, Thomas J.}, TITLE={A Reynolds-semi-robust method with hybrid velocity and pressure for the unsteady incompressible Navier–Stokes equations}, PAGES={25p}, YEAR={2025}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2502.15293}, } @article{pec-poincare, AUTHOR={Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Hanot, Marien-Lorenzo and Pitassi, Silvano}, TITLE={Uniform Poincar\'e inequalities for the discrete de Rham complex of differential forms}, PAGES={32p}, YEAR={2025}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2501.16116}, } @article{equilibrium, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Le, Kim-Ngan and Wichmann, J\"orn}, TITLE={Reaching the equilibrium: Long-term stable approximations for stochastic non-Newtonian Stokes equations with transport noise}, PAGES={48p}, YEAR={2024}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.14316}, } @article{discretetrace, AUTHOR={Badia, Santiago and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Tushar, Jai}, TITLE={A discrete trace theory for non-conforming polytopal hybrid discretisation methods}, PAGES={34p}, YEAR={2024}, URL={http://arxiv.org/abs/2409.15863}, } @Inbook{DEGH20, author = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Eymard, Robert and Gallou{\"e}t, Thierry and Herbin, Rapha{\`e}le}, editor = {Di Pietro, Daniele Antonio and Formaggia, Luca and Masson, Roland}, title = {Non-conforming Finite Elements on Polytopal Meshes}, bookTitle = {Polyhedral Methods in Geosciences}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, series = {SEMA--SIMAI series}, volume = {27}, address = {Cham}, pages = {1--35}, isbn = {978-3-030-69363-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-69363-3_1}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.06958}, } @Inbook{CDGGBP20, author = {Canc{\`e}s, Cl{\'e}ment and Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Guichard, Cindy and Manzini, Gianmarco and Olivares, Manuela Bastidas and Pop, Iuliu Sorin}, editor = {Di Pietro, Daniele Antonio and Formaggia, Luca and Masson, Roland}, title = {Error Estimates for the Gradient Discretisation Method on Degenerate Parabolic Equations of Porous Medium Type}, bookTitle = {Polyhedral Methods in Geosciences}, year = {2021}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, series = {SEMA--SIMAI series}, volume = {27}, address = {Cham}, pages = {37--72}, isbn = {978-3-030-69363-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-69363-3_2}, url = {www.uhasselt.be/Documents/CMAT/Preprints/2020/UP2004.pdf}, } @book{hho-book, TITLE={The Hybrid High-Order Method for Polytopal Meshes: Design, Analysis, and Applications}, AUTHOR={Di Pietro, Daniele Antonio and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, YEAR={2020}, PAGES={xxxi + 525p}, SERIES = {Modeling, Simulation and Applications}, PUBLISHER = {Springer International Publishing}, volume = {19}, isbn = {978-3-030-37202-6 (Hardcover), 978-3-030-37203-3 (eBook)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-37203-3}, URL={https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02151813}, coverthumb = {images/cover-HHO_book-reduced.png}, cover = {images/cover-HHO_book.png}, } @book{gdm, TITLE={The gradient discretisation method}, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert and Gallou\"et, Thierry and Guichard, Cindy and Herbin, Rapha\`ele}, YEAR={2018}, PAGES={511p}, SERIES = {Mathematics \& Applications}, PUBLISHER = {Springer}, volume = {82}, isbn = {978-3-319-79041-1 (Softcover) 978-3-319-79042-8 (eBook)}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-79042-8}, URL={https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01382358}, cover = {images/cover-GDM_book.png}, } @article{polytopalbubble, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Haidar, Ali and Masson, Roland}, TITLE={Analysis of a VEM--fully discrete polytopal scheme with bubble stabilisation for contact mechanics with Tresca friction}, PAGES={31p}, YEAR={2025}, JOURNAL = {{M2AN} Math. Model. Numer. Anal.}, URL={http://arxiv.org/abs/2404.03045}, } @article{ddr-manifold, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Hanot, Marien and Oliynyk, Todd}, TITLE={A polytopal discrete de Rham complex on manifolds, with application to the Maxwell equations}, JOURNAL={Journal of Computational Physics}, PAGES={42p}, YEAR={2025}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.16130}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcp.2025.113886} } @article{ddr_pec, AUTHOR = {Bonaldi, Francesco and Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Hu, Kaibo}, TITLE = {An exterior calculus framework for polytopal methods}, PAGES={55p}, YEAR={2025}, JOURNAL={Journal of the European Mathematical Society}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.11093}, } @article{stoch_stef, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Khan, Muhammad Awais and Le, Kim-Ngan}, TITLE={Numerical analysis of the stochastic Stefan problem}, YEAR={2024}, VOLUME = {173}, PAGES = {114-140}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Math. Appl.}, FJOURNAL = {Computers \& Mathematics with Applications. An International Journal}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.12668}, DOI = {10.1016/j.camwa.2024.08.007}, } @article{thm, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Laaziri, Mohamed and Masson, Roland}, TITLE={Discretisations of mixed-dimensional Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical models preserving energy estimates}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, PAGES={Paper no. 113295, 24p}, YEAR={2024}, VOLUME={515}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcp.2024.113295}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.12342}, } @article{lasddr_ym, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Qian, Jia Jia}, TITLE={Two arbitrary-order constraint-preserving schemes for the Yang–Mills equations on polyhedral meshes}, JOURNAL={Mathematics in Engineering}, YEAR={2024}, VOLUME = {6}, NUMBER={3}, PAGES={468--493}, DOI={10.3934/mine.2024019}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.09751}, } @article{xvem, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Manzini, Gianmarco and Yemm, Liam}, TITLE={The eXtended Virtual Element Method for elliptic problems with weakly singular solutions}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, YEAR={2024}, VOLUME={429}, PAGES={Paper No. 117129, 16p}, DOI={10.1016/j.cma.2024.117129}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.02902}, } @article{ester, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert and Gallou\"et, Thierry and Guichard, Cindy and Herbin, Rapha\`ele}, TITLE={Optimal error estimates for non-conforming approximations of linear parabolic problems with minimal regularity}, PAGES={28p}, YEAR={2024}, JOURNAL = {SeMA}, URL={https://hal.science/hal-04183945}, DOI={10.1007/s40324-024-00360-w} } @article{vem_bubble, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Ench\'ery, Guillaume and Faille, Isabelle and Haidar, Ali and Masson, Roland}, TITLE={A bubble VEM--fully discrete polytopal scheme for mixed-dimensional poromechanics with frictional contact at matrix fracture interfaces}, PAGES={Paper no. 116838, 25p}, YEAR={2024}, VOLUME={422}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, FJOURNAL = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, URL={http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.09319}, DOI={10.1016/j.cma.2024.116838} } @article{nsddr, AUTHOR={Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Qian, Jia Jia}, TITLE={A pressure-robust {Discrete de Rham} scheme for the {Navier-Stokes} equations}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, FJOURNAL = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, VOLUME={421}, PAGES={Paper no. 116765, 21p}, YEAR={2024}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.04456}, DOI={10.1016/j.cma.2024.116765} } @article{poromeca_convergence, AUTHOR = {Bonaldi, Francesco and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Masson, Roland}, TITLE = {Numerical analysis of a mixed-dimensional poromechanical model with frictionless contact at matrix--fracture interfaces}, VOLUME = {93}, NUMBER = {349}, PAGES={2103--2134}, YEAR={2024}, JOURNAL = {Math. Comp.}, DOI={10.1090/mcom/3949}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.09646}, } @article{ddr_cohomology, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Pitassi, Silvano}, TITLE = {Cohomology of the discrete de {R}ham complex on domains of general topology}, JOURNAL = {Calcolo}, FJOURNAL = {Calcolo. A Quarterly on Numerical Analysis and Theory of Computation}, PAGES = {Paper No. 32, 25p}, VOLUME = {60}, NUMBER = {2}, YEAR={2023}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.00957}, DOI={10.1007/s10092-023-00523-7}, } @article{brinkman_hho, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {A polytopal method for the Brinkman problem robust in all regimes}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, FJOURNAL = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, VOLUME={409}, YEAR={2023}, PAGES={Paper no. 115981, 33p}, DOI={10.1016/j.cma.2023.115981}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.03272}, } @article{ddr-variant, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {An arbitrary-order discrete de Rham complex on polyhedral meshes: Exactness, Poincar\'e inequalities, and consistency}, JOURNAL={Found. Comput. Math.}, VOLUME={23}, PAGES={85--164}, YEAR={2023}, DOI={10.1007/s10208-021-09542-8}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.04940}, } @article{hho_mhd, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Yemm, Liam}, TITLE = {A hybrid high-order scheme for the stationary, incompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations}, JOURNAL = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {44}, YEAR = {2024}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {262--296}, ISSN = {0272-4979,1464-3642}, DOI = {10.1093/imanum/drad005}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2202.12436}, } @article{ddr_ym, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Oliynyk, Todd A. and Qian, Jia Jia}, TITLE = {A polyhedral discrete de Rham numerical scheme for the Yang–Mills equations}, YEAR={2023}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, VOLUME = {478}, PAGES = {Paper no. 111955, 26p}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.12009}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcp.2023.111955}, } @article{ddr_kl, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {A fully discrete plates complex on polygonal meshes with application to the {K}irchhoff--{L}ove problem}, VOLUME={92}, ISSUE={339}, YEAR={2023}, PAGES={51--77}, JOURNAL = {Math. Comp.}, DOI={10.1090/mcom/3765}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.14497}, } @article{serendipity, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {Homological- and analytical-preserving serendipity framework for polytopal complexes, with application to the DDR method}, PAGES={191--225}, YEAR={2023}, VOLUME={57}, ISSUE={1}, JOURNAL = {{M2AN} Math. Model. Numer. Anal.}, DOI = {10.1051/m2an/2022067}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.02939}, } @article{rmddr, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me}, TITLE = {A discrete de {R}ham method for the {R}eissner-{M}indlin plate bending problem on polygonal meshes}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Math. Appl.}, FJOURNAL = {Computers \& Mathematics with Applications. An International Journal}, VOLUME = {125}, YEAR = {2022}, PAGES = {136--149}, DOI = {10.1016/j.camwa.2022.08.041}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.11773}, } @article{cond_hho, AUTHOR = {Badia, Santiago and Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Yemm, Liam}, TITLE = {Conditioning of a hybrid high-order scheme on meshes with small faces}, JOURNAL = {J. Sci. Comput.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, VOLUME = {92}, YEAR = {2022}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {Paper No. 71, 23}, ISSN = {0885-7474}, MRCLASS = {65N30 (65N12 65N15)}, MRNUMBER = {4453262}, DOI = {10.1007/s10915-022-01913-9}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.09983}, } @article{cost_eff, AUTHOR = {Dahmen, Nour and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Rogier, Fran\c{c}ois}, TITLE = {A cost-effective nonlinear extremum-preserving finite volume scheme for highly anisotropic diffusion on Cartesian grids, with application to radiation belt dynamics}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, COLUME = {463}, PAGES = {111258}, YEAR={2022}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcp.2022.111258}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2110.00300}, } @article{robust_stokes, AUTHOR = {Beir\~ao da Veiga, Louren\c{c}o and Dassi, Franco and Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {Arbitrary-order pressure-robust DDR and VEM methods for the Stokes problem on polyhedral meshes}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, FJOURNAL = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, PAGES = {Paper No. 115061, 31p}, YEAR={2022}, VOLUME={397}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.09750}, DOI={10.1016/j.cma.2022.115061}, } @article{plap-stoc, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Goldys, Beniamin and Le, Kim-Ngan}, TITLE = {Design and convergence analysis of numerical methods for stochastic evolution equations with Leray--Lions operator}, PAGES={1143--1179}, YEAR={2022}, JOURNAL = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.12047}, VOLUME={42}, NUMBER={2}, DOI={10.1093/imanum/draa105}, } @article{DNR19, TITLE={Convergence analysis of a numerical scheme for a tumour growth model}, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Nataraj, Neela and Remesan, Gopikrishnan C.}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.07768}, PAGES={1180--1230}, JOURNAL = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, YEAR={2022}, NUMBER={2}, VOLUME={42}, DOI={10.1093/imanum/drab016}, } @article{poromeca_contact, TITLE = {Energy-stable discretization of two-phase flows in deformable porous media with frictional contact at matrix–fracture interfaces}, AUTHOR = {Bonaldi, Francesco and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Masson, Roland and Pasteau, Antoine}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, VOLUME = {455}, PAGES = {Paper No. 110984}, YEAR = {2022}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcp.2022.110984}, URL={http://arxiv.org/abs/2109.09428}, } @article{CDL18, TITLE={A combined GDM--ELLAM--MMOC scheme for advection dominated PDEs}, AUTHOR={Cheng, Hanz Martin and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Le, Kim-Ngan}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {404}, PAGES = {113878}, YEAR = {2022}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cam.2021.113878}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.05585}, } @article{hho_smallfaces, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Yemm, Liam}, TITLE = {Robust hybrid high-order method on polytopal meshes with small faces}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {22}, YEAR = {2022}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {47--71}, ISSN = {1609-4840}, DOI = {10.1515/cmam-2021-0018}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2102.06414}, } @article{GDM-poromeca-disc, AUTHOR = {Bonaldi, Francesco and Brenner, Konstantin and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Masson, Roland and Pasteau, Antoine and Trenty, Laurent}, TITLE = {Gradient discretization of two-phase poro-mechanical models with discontinuous pressures at matrix fracture interfaces}, JOURNAL = {{M2AN} Math. Model. Numer. Anal.}, VOLUME = {55}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {1741--1777}, YEAR={2021}, DOI={10.1051/m2an/2021036}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.05576}, } @article{GDM-poromeca, AUTHOR = {Bonaldi, Francesco and Brenner, Konstantin and Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Masson, Roland}, TITLE = {Gradient discretization of two-phase flows coupled with mechanical deformation in fractured porous media}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Math. Appl.}, FJOURNAL = {Computers \& Mathematics with Applications. An International Journal}, VOLUME = {98}, YEAR = {2021}, PAGES = {40--68}, ISSN = {0898-1221}, DOI = {10.1016/j.camwa.2021.06.017}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.09860}, } @article{COMGE, title = {Application of diffusion-advection equations to in-field monitoring of soil suction profiles}, journal = {Computers and Geotechnics}, volume = {139}, pages = {104329}, year = {2021}, issn = {0266-352X}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compgeo.2021.104329}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0266352X2100327X}, author = {Srikanth Venkatesan and J\'er\^ome Droniou and Indrajit Roy and Dilan Robert and Annan Zhou}, } @article{HHOLLI, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Harnist, Andr\'{e}}, TITLE = {Improved error estimates for {H}ybrid {H}igh-{O}rder discretizations of {L}eray-{L}ions problems}, JOURNAL = {Calcolo}, FJOURNAL = {Calcolo. A Quarterly on Numerical Analysis and Theory of Computation}, VOLUME = {58}, YEAR = {2021}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {Paper No. 19, 24p}, DOI = {10.1007/s10092-021-00410-z}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.05122}, } @article{vaghu, AUTHOR = {Brenner, K. and Masson, R. and Quenjel, E. H. and Droniou, J.}, TITLE = {Total velocity-based finite volume discretization of two-phase {D}arcy flow in highly heterogeneous media with discontinuous capillary pressure}, JOURNAL = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {42}, YEAR = {2022}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {1231--1272}, ISSN = {0272-4979}, MRCLASS = {65M08 (65M12 76S05 76T06)}, MRNUMBER = {4410741}, DOI = {10.1093/imanum/drab018}, URL={https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02957054}, } @article{maddr, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me}, TITLE = {An arbitrary-order method for magnetostatics on polyhedral meshes based on a discrete de {R}ham sequence}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, VOLUME = {429}, YEAR = {2021}, PAGES = {109991, 28p}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jcp.2020.109991}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.06890}, } @article{DNS20, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'{e}rome and Nataraj, Neela and Shylaja, Devika}, TITLE = {Hessian discretisation method for fourth-order semi-linear elliptic equations: applications to the von {K}\'{a}rm\'{a}n and {N}avier-{S}tokes models}, JOURNAL = {Adv. Comput. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Advances in Computational Mathematics}, VOLUME = {47}, YEAR = {2021}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {Paper No. 20, 28p}, DOI = {10.1007/s10444-020-09837-4}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.09842}, } @article{DFR20, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Flegg, Jennifer A. and Remesan, Gopikrishnan C.}, TITLE = {Numerical solution of a two dimensional tumour growth model with moving boundary}, JOURNAL = {J. Sci. Comput.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, VOLUME = {85}, YEAR = {2020}, NUMBER = {22}, PAGES = {Paper No. 22, 31p}, DOI = {10.1007/s10915-020-01326-6}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.01949}, } @article{DDR19, TITLE={Fully discrete polynomial de Rham sequences of arbitrary degree on polygons and polyhedra}, AUTHOR={Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Rapetti, Francesca}, JOURNAL = {Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.03616}, DOI={10.1142/S0218202520500372}, VOLUME={30}, NUMBER={9}, PAGES={1809--1855}, YEAR={2020}, } @article{DN19, TITLE={The gradient discretisation method for slow and fast diffusion porous media equations}, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Le, Kim-Ngan}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {58}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES={1965--1992}, YEAR={2020}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.01785}, DOI={10.1137/19M1260165}, } @article{DL19, AUTHOR = {Cheng, Hanz Martin and Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me}, TITLE = {An Efficient Implementation of Mass Conserving Characteristic-Based Schemes in Two and Three Dimensions}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, VOLUME = {42}, YEAR = {2020}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {A1071--A1096}, ISSN = {1064-8275}, MRCLASS = {65M25 (65M08 65M12)}, MRNUMBER = {4082485}, DOI = {10.1137/19M1281812}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.05834}, } @article{DE19, TITLE={High-order mass-lumped schemes for nonlinear degenerate elliptic equations}, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {58}, NUMBER = {1}, YEAR={2020}, PAGES={153--188}, DOI={10.1137/19M1244500}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.04662}, } @article{CDPRX17, TITLE={Limits of the Stokes and Navier--Stokes equations in a punctured periodic domain}, AUTHOR={Chipot, Michel and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Planas, Gabriela and Robinson, James~C. and Xue, Wei}, YEAR={2020}, VOLUME={18}, NUMBER={2}, PAGES={211--235}, JOURNAL={Analysis and Applications}, DOI={10.1142/S0219530519500118}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1407.6942}, } @article{DEGH18, TITLE={A unified analysis of elliptic problems with various boundary conditions and their approximation}, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert and Gallou\"et, Thierry and Herbin, Raphal\`ele}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.10482}, JOURNAL={Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal}, VOLUME={70}, NUMBER={145}, PAGES={339-368}, YEAR={2020}, DOI={10.21136/CMJ.2019.0312-18}, } @article{DEGH19, TITLE={The gradient discretisation method for linear advection problems}, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert and Gallou\"et, Thierry and Herbin, Rapha\`ele}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.12415}, PAGES={23p}, YEAR={2019}, DOI={10.1515/cmam-2019-0060}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics}, } @article{DMM19, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Medla, Matej and Mikula, Karol}, TITLE = {Design and analysis of finite volume methods for elliptic equations with oblique derivatives; application to {E}arth gravity field modelling}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, VOLUME = {398}, YEAR = {2019}, PAGES = {108876}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jcp.2019.108876}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1905.01813}, } @article{BPD18, TITLE={A Hybrid High-Order method for the incompressible Navier--Stokes equations based on Temam's device}, AUTHOR={Botti, Lorenzo and Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, PAGES={786-816}, VOLUME={376}, YEAR={2019}, DOI={10.1016/j.jcp.2018.10.014}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.07345}, } @article{CD17, TITLE={An HMM--ELLAM scheme on generic polygonal meshes for miscible incompressible flows in porous media}, AUTHOR={Cheng, Hanz Martin and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, YEAR={2019}, VOLUME={172}, PAGES={707--723}, JOURNAL={J. Petrol. Science and Engineering}, DOI={10.1016/j.petrol.2018.08.062}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.02452}, } @article{DMLW16, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Ilyas, Muhammad and Lamichhane, Bishnu P. and Wheeler, Glen E.}, TITLE = {A mixed finite element method for a sixth-order elliptic problem}, JOURNAL = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {39}, YEAR = {2019}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {374--397}, DOI = {10.1093/imanum/drx066}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.02663}, } @article{DHM16, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Hennicker, Julian and Masson, Roland}, TITLE = {Numerical analysis of a two-phase flow discrete fracture matrix model}, JOURNAL = {Numer. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Numerische Mathematik}, VOLUME = {141}, YEAR = {2019}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {21--62}, DOI = {10.1007/s00211-018-0994-y}, URL = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1612.07373}, } @article{DLS18, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Lamichhane, Bishnu P. and Shylaja, Devika}, TITLE = {The {H}essian discretisation method for fourth order linear elliptic equations}, JOURNAL = {J. Sci. Comput.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Scientific Computing}, VOLUME = {78}, YEAR = {2019}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1405--1437}, DOI = {10.1007/s10915-018-0814-7}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.06985}, } @article{CDL17, AUTHOR = {Cheng, Hanz Martin and Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me and Le, Kim-Ngan}, TITLE = {Convergence analysis of a family of {ELLAM} schemes for a fully coupled model of miscible displacement in porous media}, JOURNAL = {Numer. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Numerische Mathematik}, VOLUME = {141}, YEAR = {2019}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {353--397}, DOI = {10.1007/s00211-018-1002-2}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.01897}, } @article{DEPT17, TITLE={Unified convergence analysis of numerical schemes for a miscible displacement problem}, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert and Prignet, Alain and Talbot, Kyle S.}, JOURNAL={Found. Comput. Math.}, PAGES={333-374}, VOLUME={19}, NUMBER={2}, YEAR={2019}, DOI={10.1007/s10208-018-9387-y}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.06034}, } @article{DPD18, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me}, TITLE = {A third {S}trang lemma and an {A}ubin-{N}itsche trick for schemes in fully discrete formulation}, JOURNAL = {Calcolo}, FJOURNAL = {Calcolo. A Quarterly on Numerical Analysis and Theory of Computation}, VOLUME = {55}, YEAR = {2018}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {Art. 40, 39p}, DOI = {10.1007/s10092-018-0282-3}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.09484}, } @article{BDD18, AUTHOR = {Botti, Lorenzo and Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'{e}r\^{o}me}, TITLE = {A {H}ybrid {H}igh-{O}rder discretisation of the {B}rinkman problem robust in the {D}arcy and {S}tokes limits}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg.}, FJOURNAL = {Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering}, VOLUME = {341}, YEAR = {2018}, PAGES = {278--310}, DOI = {10.1016/j.cma.2018.07.004}, URL={http://arxiv.org/abs/1803.10964}, } @article{ADE18, AUTHOR = {Antonietti, Paola F. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert}, TITLE = {An {E}clectic {V}iew on {N}umerical {M}ethods for {PDE}s: {P}resentation of the {S}pecial {I}ssue ``{A}dvanced {N}umerical {M}ethods: {R}ecent {D}evelopments, {A}nalysis and {A}pplications''}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Math.}, FJOURNAL = {Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics}, VOLUME = {18}, YEAR = {2018}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {323--325}, ISSN = {1609-4840}, MRCLASS = {65-06}, MRNUMBER = {3824767}, DOI = {10.1515/cmam-2018-0011}, URL = {https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cmam.2018.18.issue-3/cmam-2018-0011/cmam-2018-0011.xml?format=INT}, } @article{AD16, AUTHOR = {Alnashri, Yahya and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {A {G}radient {D}iscretization {M}ethod to {A}nalyze {N}umerical {S}chemes for {N}onlinear {V}ariational {I}nequalities, {A}pplication to the {S}eepage {P}roblem}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {56}, YEAR = {2018}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {2375--2405}, ISSN = {0036-1429}, MRCLASS = {65K15 (35J87 65N12 65N30 76S05)}, MRNUMBER = {3840892}, DOI = {10.1137/16M1105517}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.08338}, } @article{AD17, AUTHOR = {Anderson, Daniel and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {An arbitrary-order scheme on generic meshes for miscible displacements in porous media}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Sci. Comput.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing}, VOLUME = {40}, YEAR = {2018}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {B1020--B1054}, ISSN = {1064-8275}, MRCLASS = {65M60 (65M08 65M12 76S05)}, MRNUMBER = {3825617}, DOI = {10.1137/17M1138807}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.04038}, } @article{DDM17, TITLE = {Discontinuous skeletal gradient discretisation methods on polytopal meshes}, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Manzini, Gianmarco}, JOURNAL = {J. Comput. Phys.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Computational Physics}, VOLUME = {355}, YEAR = {2018}, PAGES = {397--425}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jcp.2017.11.018}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.09683}, } @article{DT17, TITLE={Analysis of miscible displacement through porous media with vanishing molecular diffusion and singular wells}, AUTHOR={Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Talbot, Kyle S.}, JOURNAL = {Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e (C) Anal. Non Lin\'eaire}, FJOURNAL={Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (C) Analyse Non Lin\'eaire}, YEAR={2018}, VOLUME={35}, NUMBER={1}, PAGES={1--25}, DOI={10.1016/j.anihpc.2017.02.002}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.03244}, } @article{DN17, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Nataraj, Neela}, TITLE = {Improved {$L^2$} estimate for gradient schemes and super-convergence of the {TPFA} finite volume scheme}, JOURNAL = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {38}, YEAR = {2018}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {1254--1293}, ISSN = {0272-4979}, MRCLASS = {65N08 (65N12)}, MRNUMBER = {3829161}, DOI = {10.1093/imanum/drx028}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07359}, } @article{DNS17, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'{e}rome and Nataraj, Neela and Shylaja, Devika}, TITLE = {Numerical analysis for the pure Neumann control problem using the gradient discretisation method}, JOURNAL = {Comput. Methods Appl. Math.}, VOLUME = {18}, YEAR = {2018}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {609--637}, DOI = {10.1515/cmam-2017-0054}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.03256}, } @article{DND16, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'erome and Nataraj, Neela and Shylaja, Devika}, TITLE = {The gradient discretization method for optimal control problems, with superconvergence for nonconforming finite elements and mixed-hybrid mimetic finite differences}, JOURNAL = {SIAM J. Control Optim.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization}, VOLUME = {55}, YEAR = {2017}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {3640--3672}, DOI = {10.1137/17M1117768}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.01726}, } @article{DD15, TITLE = {A Hybrid High-Order method for Leray--Lions elliptic equations on general meshes}, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, YEAR = {2017}, JOURNAL = {Math. Comp.}, VOLUME = {86}, NUMBER = {307}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation}, PAGES = {2159--2191}, DOI={10.1090/mcom/3180}, URL={http://arxiv.org/abs/1508.01918}, } @article{DD17, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = { {$W^{s,p}$}-approximation properties of elliptic projectors on polynomial spaces, with application to the error analysis of a {H}ybrid {H}igh-{O}rder discretisation of {L}eray--{L}ions problems}, JOURNAL = {Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences}, VOLUME = {27}, YEAR = {2017}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {879--908}, ISSN = {0218-2025}, MRCLASS = {65N08 (65N12 65N30)}, MRNUMBER = {3636615}, DOI = {10.1142/S0218202517500191}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.02832}, } @article {DEH15, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Eymard, Robert and Herbin, Rapha\`ele}, TITLE = {Gradient schemes: generic tools for the numerical analysis of diffusion equations}, JOURNAL = {{M2AN} Math. Model. Numer. Anal.}, VOLUME = {50}, YEAR = {2016}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {749--781}, note={Special issue -- Polyhedral discretization for PDE}, DOI={10.1051/m2an/2015079}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-eymard-herbin_families-gs_M2AN.pdf}, } @article{AD14, TITLE = {Gradient schemes for the {S}ignorini and the obstacle problems, and application to hybrid mimetic mixed methods}, AUTHOR = {Alnashri, Yahya and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, YEAR = {2016}, JOURNAL = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications}, PAGES = {2788-2807}, volume={72}, DOI={10.1016/j.camwa.2016.10.004}, URL={https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.05765}, } @article{DET15, TITLE = {Convergence in {$C([0;T];L^2(\open))$} of weak solutions to perturbed doubly degenerate parabolic equations}, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert and Talbot, Kyle S.}, YEAR = {2016}, JOURNAL = {J. Differential Equations}, volume = {260}, number = {11}, pages={7821--7860}, DOI={10.1016/j.jde.2016.02.004}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-eymard-talbot_stability.pdf}, } @article {DE15, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Eymard, Robert}, TITLE = {Uniform-in-time convergence of numerical methods for non-linear degenerate parabolic equations}, JOURNAL = {Numer. Math.}, VOLUME = {132}, YEAR = {2016}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {721--766}, DOI={10.1007/s00211-015-0733-6}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-eymard_unif-deg-parab.pdf}, } @article {DEF14, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Eymard, Robert and Feron, Pierre}, TITLE = {Gradient {S}chemes for {S}tokes problem}, JOURNAL = {IMA J. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {36}, YEAR = {2016}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1636--1669}, ISSN = {0272-4979}, CODEN = {IJNADN}, MRCLASS = {Preliminary Data}, MRNUMBER = {3556399}, DOI = {10.1093/imanum/drv061}, URL = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01070703/}, } @article {DDE15, AUTHOR = {Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Ern, Alexandre}, TITLE = {A discontinuous-skeletal method for advection-diffusion-reaction on general meshes}, JOURNAL = {{SIAM} J. {N}umer. {A}nal.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {53}, YEAR = {2015}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {2135--2157}, ISSN = {0036-1429}, MRCLASS = {65N30 (65N08 65N12 65N15)}, MRNUMBER = {3395131}, DOI = {10.1137/140993971}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/article_SINUM-dipietro_droniou_ern.pdf}, } @article {DL14, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Lamichhane, Bishnu P.}, TITLE = {Gradient schemes for linear and non-linear elasticity equations}, JOURNAL = {Numer. {M}ath.}, FJOURNAL = {Numerische Mathematik}, VOLUME = {129}, YEAR = {2015}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {251--277}, ISSN = {0029-599X}, MRCLASS = {65N30 (65N12 65N15 74B05 74B20)}, MRNUMBER = {3300420}, MRREVIEWER = {Ignacio Romero}, DOI = {10.1007/s00211-014-0636-y}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-lamichhane_gs-elasticity.pdf}, } @article {DT14, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Talbot, Kyle S.}, TITLE = {On a miscible displacement model in porous media flow with measure data}, JOURNAL = {{SIAM} {J}. {M}ath. {A}nal.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis}, VOLUME = {46}, YEAR = {2014}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {3158--3175}, ISSN = {0036-1410}, MRCLASS = {35Q35 (35D30 35K65 35K67 35R06 76S05)}, MRNUMBER = {3259787}, MRREVIEWER = {Nader Masmoudi}, DOI = {10.1137/130949294}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-talbot_SIMA.pdf}, } @article {D13, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {Finite volume schemes for diffusion equations: introduction to and review of modern methods}, JOURNAL = {Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences}, VOLUME = {24}, YEAR = {2014}, NUMBER = {8}, PAGES = {1575--1619}, ISSN = {0218-2025}, MRCLASS = {65N08 (35J25 65N12)}, MRNUMBER = {3200243}, MRREVIEWER = {Srinivasan Natesan}, DOI = {10.1142/S0218202514400041}, URL = {http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00813613}, } @article {DEGH12, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert and Gallou\"et, Thierry and Herbin, Raphaele}, TITLE = {Gradient schemes: a generic framework for the discretisation of linear, nonlinear and nonlocal elliptic and parabolic equations}, JOURNAL = {Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences}, VOLUME = {23}, YEAR = {2013}, NUMBER = {13}, PAGES = {2395--2432}, ISSN = {0218-2025}, MRCLASS = {65N30 (35J62 65M60)}, MRNUMBER = {3109434}, MRREVIEWER = {Dominik Meidner}, DOI = {10.1142/S0218202513500358}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-eymard-gallouet-herbin_gradient-schemes_m3as.pdf}, } @article {AD11, AUTHOR = {Alfaro, Matthieu and Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {General fractal conservation laws arising from a model of detonations in gases}, JOURNAL = {Appl. Math. Res. Express. AMRX}, FJOURNAL = {Applied Mathematics Research Express. AMRX}, YEAR = {2012}, VOLUME = {2012}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {127--151}, ISSN = {1687-1200}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/alfaro-droniou_amrx.pdf}, } @article {ADM11, AUTHOR = {Alfaro, Matthieu and Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Matano, Hiroshi}, TITLE = {Convergence rate of the {A}llen-{C}ahn equation to generalized motion by mean curvature}, JOURNAL = {J. Evol. Equ.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Evolution Equations}, VOLUME = {12}, YEAR = {2012}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {267--294}, ISSN = {1424-3199}, DOI = {10.1007/s00028-011-0132-0}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/alfaro-droniou-matano_jee.pdf}, } @article {BDM10, AUTHOR = {Beir{\~a}o da Veiga, Lourenco and Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Manzini, Gianmarco}, TITLE = {A unified approach for handling convection terms in finite volumes and mimetic discretization methods for elliptic problems}, JOURNAL = {{IMA} {J}. {N}umer. {A}nal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {31}, YEAR = {2011}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {1357--1401}, ISSN = {0272-4979}, CODEN = {IJNADN}, DOI = {10.1093/imanum/drq018}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/beirao-droniou-manzini.pdf}, } @article {DLP10, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Le Potier, Christophe}, TITLE = {Construction and convergence study of schemes preserving the elliptic local maximum principle}, JOURNAL = {{SIAM} {J}. {N}umer. {A}nal.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {49}, YEAR = {2011}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {459--490}, ISSN = {0036-1429}, CODEN = {SJNAAM}, DOI = {10.1137/090770849}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-lepotier_sinum.pdf}, } @article {CD09, AUTHOR = {Chainais-Hillairet, Claire and Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {Finite-volume schemes for noncoercive elliptic problems with {N}eumann boundary conditions}, JOURNAL = {{IMA} {J}. {N}umer. {A}nal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {31}, YEAR = {2011}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {61--85}, ISSN = {0272-4979}, CODEN = {IJNADN}, DOI = {10.1093/imanum/drp009}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/chainais-droniou_imajna.pdf}, } @article {ADD09, AUTHOR = {Ag{\'e}las, L{\'e}o and Di Pietro, Daniele A. and Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {The {G} method for heterogeneous anisotropic diffusion on general meshes}, JOURNAL = {{M2AN Math. Model. Numer. Anal.}}, FJOURNAL = {M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {44}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {597--625}, ISSN = {0764-583X}, DOI = {10.1051/m2an/2010021}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/agelas-dipietro-droniou_m2an.pdf}, } @article {DEGH09, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Eymard, Robert and Gallou{\"e}t, Thierry and Herbin, Rapha{\`e}le}, TITLE = {A unified approach to mimetic finite difference, hybrid finite volume and mixed finite volume methods}, JOURNAL = {Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci.}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematical Models \& Methods in Applied Sciences}, VOLUME = {20}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {265--295}, ISSN = {0218-2025}, MRCLASS = {65N06 (65N08 65N12)}, MRNUMBER = {2649153 (2011d:65318)}, MRREVIEWER = {Enrico Bertolazzi}, DOI = {10.1142/S0218202510004222}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-eymard-gallouet-herbin_m3as.pdf}, } @article {D09, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {A numerical method for fractal conservation laws}, JOURNAL = {Math. Comp.}, FJOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation}, VOLUME = {79}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {269}, PAGES = {95--124}, ISSN = {0025-5718}, CODEN = {MCMPAF}, MRCLASS = {65M12 (35L60 35L65 45K05 76M12)}, MRNUMBER = {2552219 (2011d:65251)}, MRREVIEWER = {Francis Filbet}, DOI = {10.1090/S0025-5718-09-02293-5}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou_MC.pdf}, } @article {DV08, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and V{\'a}zquez, Juan-Luis}, TITLE = {Noncoercive convection-diffusion elliptic problems with {N}eumann boundary conditions}, JOURNAL = {Calc. Var. Partial Differential Equations}, FJOURNAL = {Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations}, VOLUME = {34}, YEAR = {2009}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {413--434}, ISSN = {0944-2669}, MRCLASS = {35J25 (35B30 47F05)}, MRNUMBER = {2476418 (2010h:35073)}, DOI = {10.1007/s00526-008-0189-y}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-vazquez_cvpde.pdf}, } @article {DE08, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Eymard, Robert}, TITLE = {Study of the mixed finite volume method for {S}tokes and {N}avier-{S}tokes equations}, JOURNAL = {Numer. {M}ethods {P}artial {D}ifferential {E}quations}, FJOURNAL = {Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. An International Journal}, VOLUME = {25}, YEAR = {2009}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {137--171}, ISSN = {0749-159X}, MRCLASS = {65N06 (76D05 76M12)}, MRNUMBER = {2473683 (2009k:65208)}, MRREVIEWER = {Laurent White}, DOI = {10.1002/num.20333}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-eymard_nmpde.pdf}, } @article {CD07, AUTHOR = {Chainais-Hillairet, Claire and Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {Convergence analysis of a mixed finite volume scheme for an elliptic-parabolic system modeling miscible fluid flows in porous media}, JOURNAL = {{SIAM} {J}. {N}umer. {A}nal.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {45}, YEAR = {2007}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {2228--2258 (electronic)}, ISSN = {0036-1429}, MRCLASS = {76M12 (65N30 76S05)}, MRNUMBER = {2346377 (2008i:76129)}, MRREVIEWER = {Jos{\'e} M. Amig{\'o}}, DOI = {10.1137/060657236}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/chainais-droniou_sinum.pdf}, } @article {DP07, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Prignet, Alain}, TITLE = {Equivalence between entropy and renormalized solutions for parabolic equations with smooth measure data}, JOURNAL = {NoDEA Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl.}, FJOURNAL = {NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications}, VOLUME = {14}, YEAR = {2007}, NUMBER = {1-2}, PAGES = {181--205}, ISSN = {1021-9722}, CODEN = {NDEAFL}, MRCLASS = {35K55 (35D99 35K20 35R05)}, MRNUMBER = {2346459 (2009b:35177)}, MRREVIEWER = {Diego M. Maldonado}, DOI = {10.1007/s00030-007-5018-z}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-prignet_nodea.pdf}, } @article {ADV07, AUTHOR = {Alibaud, Natha{\"e}l and Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Vovelle, Julien}, TITLE = {Occurrence and non-appearance of shocks in fractal {B}urgers equations}, JOURNAL = {J. Hyperbolic Differ. Equ.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations}, VOLUME = {4}, YEAR = {2007}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {479--499}, ISSN = {0219-8916}, MRCLASS = {35Q53 (35L67)}, MRNUMBER = {2339805 (2008i:35198)}, MRREVIEWER = {Alp O. Eden}, DOI = {10.1142/S0219891607001227}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/alibaud-droniou-vovelle_jhde.pdf}, } @article {D06, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {Finite volume schemes for fully non-linear elliptic equations in divergence form}, JOURNAL = {{M2AN} Math. Model. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {40}, YEAR = {2006}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1069--1100}, ISSN = {0764-583X}, MRCLASS = {65N06 (35J65)}, MRNUMBER = {2297105 (2008a:65196)}, MRREVIEWER = {Rodney Josu{\'e} Biezuner}, DOI = {10.1051/m2an:2007001}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou_m2an2.pdf}, } @article {DI06, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Imbert, Cyril}, TITLE = {Fractal first-order partial differential equations}, JOURNAL = {Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis}, VOLUME = {182}, YEAR = {2006}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {299--331}, ISSN = {0003-9527}, MRCLASS = {35F30 (35B25 35B45 35L65)}, MRNUMBER = {2259335 (2009c:35037)}, MRREVIEWER = {Sergey Dashkovskiy}, DOI = {10.1007/s00205-006-0429-2}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/nonlocmax.pdf}, } @article {DE06, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Eymard, Robert}, TITLE = {A mixed finite volume scheme for anisotropic diffusion problems on any grid}, JOURNAL = {Numer. {M}ath.}, FJOURNAL = {Numerische Mathematik}, VOLUME = {105}, YEAR = {2006}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {35--71}, ISSN = {0029-599X}, CODEN = {NUMMA7}, MRCLASS = {65N06}, MRNUMBER = {2257385 (2008d:65121)}, DOI = {10.1007/s00211-006-0034-1}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-eymard_nummath.pdf}, } @article {DIV04, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Imbert, Cyril and Vovelle, Julien}, TITLE = {An error estimate for the parabolic approximation of multidimensional scalar conservation laws with boundary conditions}, JOURNAL = {Ann. Inst. H. Poincar\'e (C) Anal. Non Lin\'eaire}, FJOURNAL = {Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincar\'e. (C) Analyse Non Lin\'eaire}, VOLUME = {21}, YEAR = {2004}, NUMBER = {5}, PAGES = {689--714}, ISSN = {0294-1449}, MRCLASS = {35L65 (35A35 35B25 35K60 65M15)}, MRNUMBER = {2086755 (2005h:35228)}, MRREVIEWER = {Hermano Frid}, DOI = {10.1016/j.anihpc.2003.11.001}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/paraestim-publi.pdf}, } @article {DGH03, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Gallou{\"e}t, Thierry and Herbin, Rapha{\`e}le}, TITLE = {A finite volume scheme for a noncoercive elliptic equation with measure data}, JOURNAL = {{SIAM} {J}. {N}umer. {A}nal.}, FJOURNAL = {SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {41}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {6}, PAGES = {1997--2031 (electronic)}, ISSN = {0036-1429}, MRCLASS = {65N12 (35A35 35J25)}, MRNUMBER = {2034602 (2005b:65117)}, DOI = {10.1137/S0036142902405205}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/diracrev.pdf}, } @article {DGV03, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Gallou\"et, Thierry and Vovelle, Julien}, TITLE = {Global solution and smoothing effect for a non-local regularization of a hyperbolic equation}, NOTE = {Dedicated to Philippe B{\'e}nilan}, JOURNAL = {J. Evol. Equ.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Evolution Equations}, VOLUME = {3}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {499--521}, ISSN = {1424-3199}, MRCLASS = {35L60 (35L45)}, MRNUMBER = {2019032 (2004m:35168)}, MRREVIEWER = {L. Hsiao}, DOI = {10.1007/s00028-003-0503-1}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/article-jee-dgv.pdf}, } @article {D03-2, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {Vanishing non-local regularization of a scalar conservation law}, JOURNAL = {Electron. J. Differential Equations}, FJOURNAL = {Electronic Journal of Differential Equations}, YEAR = {2003}, PAGES = {No. 117, 20 pp. (electronic)}, ISSN = {1072-6691}, MRCLASS = {35L65 (35S30)}, MRNUMBER = {2022065 (2004k:35253)}, MRREVIEWER = {Alberto Parmeggiani}, URL = {https://www.emis.de/journals/EJDE/Volumes/2003/117/abstr.html}, } @article {DEHZ03, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert and Hilhorst, Danielle and Zhou, Xue Dong}, TITLE = {Convergence of a finite-volume mixed finite-element method for an elliptic-hyperbolic system}, JOURNAL = {{IMA} {J}. {N}umer. {A}nal.}, FJOURNAL = {IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {23}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {507--538}, ISSN = {0272-4979}, CODEN = {IJNADN}, MRCLASS = {65M60 (35M20 76M10 76M12 76S05)}, MRNUMBER = {1987942 (2004f:65148)}, MRREVIEWER = {Michael Griebel}, DOI = {10.1093/imanum/23.3.507}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/imajna.pdf}, } @article {D03-1, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {Error estimates for the convergence of a finite volume discretization of convection-diffusion equations}, JOURNAL = {J. {N}umer. {M}ath.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal of Numerical Mathematics}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {1--32}, ISSN = {1570-2820}, MRCLASS = {65N06 (65N15)}, MRNUMBER = {1976437 (2004b:65162)}, MRREVIEWER = {Nikolay P. Moshkin}, DOI = {10.1163/156939503322004873}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/jnm.pdf}, } @article {DPP03, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Porretta, Alessio and Prignet, Alain}, TITLE = {Parabolic capacity and soft measures for nonlinear equations}, JOURNAL = {Potential Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {Potential Analysis. An International Journal Devoted to the Interactions between Potential Theory, Probability Theory, Geometry and Functional Analysis}, VOLUME = {19}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {99--161}, ISSN = {0926-2601}, CODEN = {POANE2}, MRCLASS = {35K55 (31C15 31C45)}, MRNUMBER = {1976292 (2004c:35179)}, MRREVIEWER = {W. P. Ziemer}, DOI = {10.1023/A:1023248531928}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/pota2.pdf}, } @article {D03, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {Global and local estimates for nonlinear noncoercive elliptic equations with measure data}, JOURNAL = {Comm. Partial Differential Equations}, FJOURNAL = {Communications in Partial Differential Equations}, VOLUME = {28}, YEAR = {2003}, NUMBER = {1-2}, PAGES = {129--153}, ISSN = {0360-5302}, CODEN = {CPDIDZ}, MRCLASS = {35J60 (35B45 35R05)}, MRNUMBER = {1974452 (2004b:35089)}, MRREVIEWER = {Rolando Magnanini}, DOI = {10.1081/PDE-120019377}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/art-cpde.pdf}, } @article {D02-2, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {A density result in {S}obolev spaces}, JOURNAL = {J. Math. Pures Appl.}, FJOURNAL = {Journal de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees. Neuvi\`eme S\'erie}, VOLUME = {81}, YEAR = {2002}, NUMBER = {7}, PAGES = {697--714}, ISSN = {0021-7824}, CODEN = {JMPAAM}, MRCLASS = {46E35 (35J15)}, MRNUMBER = {1968338 (2005a:46065)}, MRREVIEWER = {Maria A. Ragusa}, DOI = {10.1016/S0021-7824(01)01241-7}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/jmpa.pdf}, } @article {DG02, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Gallou{\"e}t, Thierry}, TITLE = {Finite volume methods for convection-diffusion equations with right-hand side in {$H\minusone$}}, JOURNAL = {{M2AN} Math. Model. Numer. Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis}, VOLUME = {36}, YEAR = {2002}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {705--724}, ISSN = {0764-583X}, MRCLASS = {65N06 (65N12)}, MRNUMBER = {1932310 (2003m:65192)}, MRREVIEWER = {Serge Piperno}, DOI = {10.1051/m2an:2002031}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/m2an.pdf}, } @article {D02-1, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {Non-coercive linear elliptic problems}, JOURNAL = {Potential Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {Potential Analysis. An International Journal Devoted to the Interactions between Potential Theory, Probability Theory, Geometry and Functional Analysis}, VOLUME = {17}, YEAR = {2002}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {181--203}, ISSN = {0926-2601}, CODEN = {POANE2}, MRCLASS = {35J25 (35B65)}, MRNUMBER = {1908676 (2003e:35060)}, MRREVIEWER = {Maurizio Chicco}, DOI = {10.1023/A:1015709329011}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/pota.pdf}, } @article {DG01, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Gallou{\"e}t, Thierry}, TITLE = {A uniqueness result for quasilinear elliptic equations with measures as data}, JOURNAL = {Rend. Mat. Appl. (Ser. VII)}, FJOURNAL = {Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII}, VOLUME = {21}, YEAR = {2001}, NUMBER = {1-4}, PAGES = {57--86}, ISSN = {1120-7183}, CODEN = {RNMTAN}, MRCLASS = {35J60 (35J25 35R05)}, MRNUMBER = {1884937 (2003d:35086)}, MRREVIEWER = {Maria A. Ragusa}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/rend.pdf}, } @article {D00, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {Solving convection-diffusion equations with mixed, {N}eumann and {F}ourier boundary conditions and measures as data, by a duality method}, JOURNAL = {Adv. Differential Equations}, FJOURNAL = {Advances in Differential Equations}, VOLUME = {5}, YEAR = {2000}, NUMBER = {10-12}, PAGES = {1341--1396}, ISSN = {1079-9389}, MRCLASS = {35J55 (35D05 35D10 35R05)}, MRNUMBER = {1785678 (2001i:35073)}, MRREVIEWER = {Vitaly A. Volpert}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/ade.pdf}, } @article {DR00, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Raymond, Jean-Pierre}, TITLE = {Optimal pointwise control of semilinear parabolic equations}, JOURNAL = {Nonlinear Anal.}, FJOURNAL = {Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods \& Applications. An International Multidisciplinary Journal. Series A: Theory and Methods}, VOLUME = {39}, YEAR = {2000}, NUMBER = {2, Ser. A: Theory Methods}, PAGES = {135--156}, ISSN = {0362-546X}, CODEN = {NOANDD}, MRCLASS = {49J20 (35K55)}, MRNUMBER = {1722110 (2000i:49007)}, MRREVIEWER = {Werner Horn}, DOI = {10.1016/S0362-546X(98)00170-9}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/nla.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca10-thm, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Laaziri, Mohamed and Masson, Roland}, TITLE = {Thermodynamically Consistent discretisation of a Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical model}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {X}}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {432}, PAGES = {265-273}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2023}, URL = {https://hal.science/hal-04105527}, } @incollection {ecmor, AUTHOR = {Bonaldi, Francesco and Brenner, Konstantin and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Masson, Roland}, TITLE = {Two-Phase Darcy Flows in Fractured and Deformable Porous Media, Convergence Analysis and Iterative Coupling}, BOOKTITLE = {ECMOR XVII}, SERIES = {}, VOLUME = {2020}, PAGES = {1-20}, PUBLISHER = {European Association of Geoscientists \& Engineers}, YEAR = {2020}, DOI = {10.3997/2214-4609.202035013}, } @incollection {fvca9-hho_aniso, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {Interplay between diffusion anisotropy and mesh skewness in Hybrid High-Order schemes}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {IX}---methods, theoretical aspects, examples}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {323}, PAGES = {3-23}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2020}, URL = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.10804}, } @incollection {fvca9-poromeca, AUTHOR = {Bonaldi, Francesco and Brenner, Konstantin and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Masson, Roland}, TITLE = {The gradient discretisation method for two-phase discrete fracture matrix models in deformable porous media}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {IX}}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {}, PAGES = {8p}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2020}, URL = {https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02454360}, } @incollection{enumath2017, title = {An introduction to the gradient discretisation method}, author = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert and Gallou{\"e}t, Thierry and Guichard, Cindy and Herbin, Rapha{\`e}le}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-96415-7_40}, isbn = {9783319964140}, series = {Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, pages = {451--459}, editor = {Radu, {Florin Adrian} and Kundan, Kumar and Inga, Berre and Nordbotten, {Jan Martin} and Pop, {Iuliu Sorin}}, booktitle = {Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2017}, } @incollection {fvca8-agdm, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J. and Eymard, R.}, TITLE = {The asymmetric gradient discretisation method}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {VIII}---methods and theoretical aspects}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {199}, PAGES = {311--319}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2017}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/fvca8_nonsym-gdm-generalFV.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca8-bench, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert}, TITLE = {Benchmark: two hybrid mimetic mixed schemes for the lid-driven cavity}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {VIII}---methods and theoretical aspects}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {199}, PAGES = {107--124}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2017}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/bench_hmm.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca8-parab, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J. and Eymard, R. and Gallou\"et, T. and Guichard, C. and Herbin, R.}, TITLE = {An error estimate for the approximation of linear parabolic equations by the gradient discretization method}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {VIII}---methods and theoretical aspects}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {199}, PAGES = {371--379}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2017}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/fvca8_parabolic.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca8-ellam, AUTHOR = {Cheng, Hanz Martin and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {Combining the hybrid mimetic mixed method and the {E}ulerian {L}agrangian localised adjoint method for approximating miscible flows in porous media}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {VIII}---hyperbolic, elliptic and parabolic problems}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {200}, PAGES = {367--376}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2017}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/fvca8_hmm-ellam.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca8-frac, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J. and Hennicker, J. and Masson, R.}, TITLE = {Uniform-in-time convergence of numerical schemes for a two-phase discrete fracture model}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {VIII}---methods and theoretical aspects}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {199}, PAGES = {275--283}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2017}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/fvca8_diphasic.pdf}, } @incollection {CTAC14, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {Introduction to discrete functional analysis techniques for the numerical study of diffusion equations with irregular data}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Computational Techniques and Applications Conference ({CTAC}-2014, Canberra)}, EDITOR={Jason Sharples and Judith Bunder}, SERIES = {ANZIAM J.}, VOLUME = {56}, PAGES = {C101-C127}, YEAR = {2015}, URL = {http://journal.austms.org.au/ojs/index.php/ANZIAMJ/article/view/9365}, DOI = {http://dx.doi.org/10.21914/anziamj.v56i0.9365}, } @incollection {fvca7-14-3, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Eymard, Robert and Guichard, Cindy}, TITLE = {Uniform-in-time convergence of numerical schemes for {R}ichards' and {S}tefan's models}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications. {VII}. {M}ethods and theoretical aspects (Berlin, 2014)}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {77}, PAGES = {247--254}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2014}, MRCLASS = {65M08 (65M06 65M12 65M60 76S05 80A22)}, MRNUMBER = {3213355}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-05684-5_23}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-eymard-guichard_fvca7.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca7-14-1, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Jakobsen, Espen R.}, TITLE = {A uniformly converging scheme for fractal conservation laws}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications. {VII}. {M}ethods and theoretical aspects ({B}erlin, 2014)}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {77}, PAGES = {237--245}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2014}, MRCLASS = {65M06 (65M08 65M12)}, MRNUMBER = {3213354}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-05684-5_22}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-jakobsen_fvca7.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca7-14-2, AUTHOR = {Alnashri, Yahya and Droniou, J\'er\^ome}, TITLE = {Gradient schemes for an obstacle problem}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications. {VII}. {M}ethods and theoretical aspects ({B}erlin, 2014)}, SERIES = {Springer Proc. Math. Stat.}, VOLUME = {77}, PAGES = {67--75}, PUBLISHER = {Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2014}, MRCLASS = {65K15}, MRNUMBER = {3213337}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-05684-5_5}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/alnashri-droniou_fvca7.pdf}, } @article {ntmc-10, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {Remarks on discretizations of convection terms in hybrid mimetic mixed methods}, note={Proceedings of ``New Trends in Model Coupling''}, JOURNAL = {Netw. Heterog. Media}, FJOURNAL = {Networks and Heterogeneous Media}, VOLUME = {5}, YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {3}, PAGES = {545--563}, ISSN = {1556-1801}, MRCLASS = {65N08 (76M12)}, MRNUMBER = {2670654 (2011f:65232)}, DOI = {10.3934/nhm.2010.5.545}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou_ntmc.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca5-08b, AUTHOR = {Chainais-Hillairet, Claire and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Eymard, Robert}, TITLE = {Benchmark on Anisotropic Problems -- Use of the mixed finite volume method}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {V} (Aussois, 2008)}, PAGES = {751--760}, PUBLISHER = {ISTE, London}, YEAR = {2008}, MRCLASS = {65N06 (76M15)}, MRNUMBER = {2451470 (2009k:65206)}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/chainais-droniou-eymard_benchfvca5.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca5-08, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {A recipe to couple two finite volume schemes for elliptic problems}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications {V} (Aussois, 2008)}, PAGES = {69--86}, PUBLISHER = {ISTE, London}, YEAR = {2008}, MRCLASS = {65N06 (35J25)}, MRNUMBER = {2441447 (2009i:65192)}, MRREVIEWER = {Matthias Ehrhardt}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou_fvca5.pdf}, } @incollection {gaeta-05, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me}, TITLE = {Fractal conservation laws: global smooth solutions and vanishing regularization}, BOOKTITLE = {Fifth European Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems: A special tribute to the work of Haim Brezis (Gaeta 2004)}, SERIES = {Progr. Nonlinear Differential Equations Appl.}, VOLUME = {63}, PAGES = {235--242}, PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"auser, Basel}, YEAR = {2005}, MRCLASS = {35L65 (26A33 35A35 35B25 35S30)}, MRNUMBER = {2176716 (2006e:35223)}, DOI = {10.1007/3-7643-7384-9_24}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou_gaeta.pdf}, } @incollection {fvca3-02, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J{\'e}r{\^o}me and Gallou{\"e}t, Thierry}, TITLE = {A finite volume scheme for noncoercive {D}irichlet problems with right-hand sides in {$H\minusone$}}, BOOKTITLE = {Finite volumes for complex applications, {III} ({P}orquerolles, 2002)}, PAGES = {181--188}, PUBLISHER = {Hermes Sci. Publ., Paris}, YEAR = {2002}, MRCLASS = {65N12 (65N06)}, MRNUMBER = {2007416}, URL = {https://imag.umontpellier.fr/~droniou/articles/droniou-gallouet_fvca3.pdf}, } @incollection {cap-99, AUTHOR = {Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Elisseeff, Andr\'e and Paugam-Moisy, H\'el\`ene and Teytaud, Olivier}, TITLE = {Contr\^ole de l'architecture et des repr\'esentations internes dans les r\'eseaux de neurones multicouches,}, BOOKTITLE = {Actes de la Conf\'erence sur l'Apprentissage CAP'99 (Palaiseau, 1999)}, PAGES = {185--194}, PUBLISHER = {}, YEAR = {1999}, } @book{BDH10, title={Math\'ematiques et statistique pour les sciences de la nature (mod\'eliser, comprendre et appliquer) [Mathematics and statistics for the natural sciences (modelling, understanding and applying)]}, author={Biau, G\'erard and Droniou, J\'er\^ome and Herzlich, Marc}, series={Collection Enseignement Sup / Math\'ematiques}, year={2010}, pages={530p}, publisher={EDP Sciences}, note={ISBN 978-2-7598-0481-8}, }