O1. Nicoud, F., Ducros, F. and Schoenfeld, T., Towards Direct and Large Eddy Simulations of Compressible Flows in Complex Geometries. Notes in Numerical Fluid Mechanics, vol. 64, pp. 157-171, R.Friedrich, P.Bontoux (Eds.), 1998. ISBN 978-3-540-44546-3

O2. Nicoud, F., Numerical study of a channel flow with variable properties, Center for Turbulence Research, CTR Annual Research Briefs., pp. 289-310, 1998.

O3. Nicoud, F. and Baggett, J., On the use of the optimal control theory for deriving wall models for LES, Center for Turbulence Research, CTR Annual Research Briefs, pp. 329-341, 1999.

O4. Nicoud, F. and Poinsot, T., Boundary conditions for compressible unsteady flows, In Artificial Boundary Conditions at Interfaces, L. Tourrette & L. Halpern Editors, Novascience, 2001. ISBN 1-56072-940-6

O5. Nicoud, F., Hemodynamic changes induced by stenting in elastic arteries, Center for Turbulence Research, CTR Annual Research Briefs, pp. 335-348, 2002.

O6. Mendez S., Nicoud F., Poinsot T. (2007) Large-Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Flow around a Multi-Perforated Plate. In: Kassinos S.C., Langer C.A., Iaccarino G., Moin P. (eds) Complex Effects in Large Eddy Simulations. Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, vol 56. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-34234-2_21

O7. Gicquel L, Nicoud F. and Poinsot T., Thermo-acoustic instabilities.  In Lean Turbulent Premixed Flames: Physics and Modelling, Edited by N. Swaminathan and KNC. Bray, 2011: ISBN : 9781139498586

O8. Chnafa, C., Mendez, S., Moreno, R. & Nicoud, F. Using image-based CFD to investigate the intracardiac turbulence. in Modeling the Heart and the Circulatory System. MS&A Vol. 14 (ed. A. Quarteroni) 97–117 (New-York: Springer International Publishing, 2015). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05230-4_4

O9. Nicoud, F., Chnafa, C., Siguenza, J., Zmijanovic, V. and Mendez, S., 2018. Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulence in Cardiovascular Flows, In "Biomedical Technology. Modeling, Experiments and Simulation" Ed. P. Wriggers, T. Lenarz, Springer Series: Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, pages 147-167, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59548-1_9

O10.      Ndiaye, A. & Nicoud, F. Uncertainties for Thermoacoustics: A First Analysis. in Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design - Uncertainty Management for Robust Industrial Design in Aeronautics (ed. Hirsch, C., Wunsch, D., Szumbarski, J., Łaniewski-Wołłk, Ł., Pons-Prats, J.) vol. 140 71–88 (Springer International Publishing, 2019). doi:10.1007/978-3-319-77767-2_5

O11.      Bauerheim, M., Ndiaye, A. & Nicoud, F. Surrogates for Combustion Instabilities in Annular Combustors. in Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design - Uncertainty Management for Robust Industrial Design in Aeronautics (ed. Hirsch, C., Wunsch, D., Szumbarski, J., Łaniewski-Wołłk, Ł., Pons-Prats, J.) 247–263 (Springer International Publishing, 2019). doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-77767-2_15

O12.      Mendez, S., Berod, A., Chnafa, C., Garreau, M., Gibaud, E., Larroque, A., Lindsey, S., Afonso Martins, M., Matteoli, P., Mendez Rojano, R., Midou, D., Puiseux, T., Siguenza, J., Taraconat, P., Zmijanovic, V. & Nicoud, F. (2022) ‘YALES2BIO: A General Purpose Solver Dedicated to Blood Flows’, in Biological Flow in Large Vessels Dialog Between Numerical Modeling and In Vitro/In Vivo Experiments, pp. 183–206. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119986607.ch7



B1. Titulaire à hauteur de 25 % du dépôt logiciel YALES2BIO #DL 04022-11

B1. Co-titulaires : S. Mendez, IMAG/UM (60 %) et V. Moureau, CORIA/INSA Rouen (15 %)

B2. Taraconat, P., Isèbe, D., Mendez, S. Nicoud, F. Focalisation numérique pour le tri des signaux d'impédance Coulter et l'amélioration de la volumétrie des cellules, Demande de brevet n°FR1904410 (2019). Details

B3. Puiseux, T., Sewonu, A., Nicoud, F., Mendez, S. and Moreno., R. Dispositif et méthode animant un débit pulsé connu à l'intérieur d'une IRM, pour effectuer son évaluation de performances dans le domaine des mesures hémodynamiques, Demande de brevet n°FR3080761 A1 (2018) / WO 2019/211556 A1 (2019). Details

B4. Taraconat, P., Isèbe, D., Mendez, S. & Nicoud, F. Dispositif d'analyses médicales à traitement de signaux d'impédance, Demande de brevet n°FR2000439 (2020). Details


D1. Nicoud, F., Prévision des transferts thermiques sur les protections thermiques d'un propulseur à propergol solide. Thesis - Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - FR ISSN 0078/3781 - 1993

D2. Nicoud, F., Problèmes de frontières en mécanique des fluides: Modélisation et discrétisation., Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse - Thèse HDR, 2000

D3. Nicoud, F. Unsteady flows modeling and computation. VKI Series Lectures « Basis of aero-acoustics and thermo-acoustics », December 2007

D4. Nicoud, F. Application of modern tools for the acoustic study of annular combustion chambers. VKI Series Lectures « Advances in aero-acoustics and thermo-acoustics », November 2010