
Future colleagues




Maxime Louis: Study of longitudinal data: evolution of cortical structures in Alzheimer's disease
Co-supervision with S. Durrleman (ICM, INRIA) .
Damien Blanc: Applications of artificial intelligence for the characterization of cancerous ovarian tissues through centrosome image analysis
Co-supervision with J. Salmon (IMAG, UM) .
Tanguy Lefort: Label ambiguity in crowdsourcing and expert feedback
Co-supervision with J. Salmon (IMAG, UM) .
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Master’s Thesis

Paul Bertin: Analysis of 3D microscopic brain images at high resolution
Co-supervision with S. Durrleman (ICM, INRIA), N. Rénier (ICM, INSERM) .
Thibault De Villèle: Prediction of prostate tissue scores on the Gleason scale
Co-supervision with N. Faraj (LIRMM, UM) .
Bianca Jansen Van Rensburg: Shape analysis for automating the pre-operative process in maxillofacial reconstruction
Co-supervision with M. de Boutray (CHU Montpellier, UM), N. Faraj (LIRMM, UM), N. Zemiti (LIRMM, UM) .
Léopold Jouffroy: Registration and segmentation with missing 3D data for maxillofacial reconstruction
Co-supervision with N. Faraj (LIRMM, UM) .
Tanguy Lefort: High-dimensional optimization for penalized linear models with first-order interactions using graphics card computational power
Co-supervision with J. Salmon (IMAG, UM) .
Amélie Vernay, Chloé Serre-Combes: Lazy evaluation in R: LazyTensor for RKeOps
Axel de Montgolfier: Calcium signal tracking analysis to unveil macrophage function in vivo
Co-supervision with Mai Nguyen-Chi (LPHI, CNRS) .
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