General presentation
project leaded by S. Mendez and F. Nicoud aims at developing an efficient and
reliable numerical software for the analysis of medical devices in contact with
blood such as flow diverters, Ventricular Assist Devices, extra corporal
circulation, artificial heart and valves, cytometers among others. Optimizing
such devices requires dealing with both macroscopic (pressure loss, residence
time, wall shear stress, turbulence) and microscopic (blood cells deformation
and interaction with other cells or solid boundaries) features. YALES2BIO inherits
its massively parallel capabilities and high order finite volumes schemes for complex
geometries from the YALES2
solver developed at CORIA (UMR CNRS 6614). Specific models for handling both macroscopic
and microscopic blood flows are being developed, implemented and validated
within the cardiovascular group at IMAG (UMR CNRS 5149). The Fluid-Structure Interaction problem
which describes the deformation of the membrane of the red blood cell is solved
thanks to a front-tracking / Immersed Boundary Method suitable for unstructured
meshes. YALES2BIO can also be coupled with the LMGC90 structural solver when complex material rheology must considered. Contrary to many other methods, the YALES2BIO approach does not assume
Stokes regime but solves the complete Navier-Stokes
equations inside and outside the cell of interest. Appropriate subgrid-scale models for Large Eddy Simulation of
transitional flows are used for accounting for the turbulence effects if present.
Some of the applications covered by the YALES2BIO solver were presented at the French Academy of Sciences in May 2017.
See the video (in french)