Articles publiés/acceptés dans des journaux
- On the growth
of L2-invariants of locally symmetric spaces, II: Exotic
invariant random subgroups in rank one, Miklós Abért, Nicolas
Bergeron, Ian Biringer, Tsachik Gelander, Nikolay Nikolov, Jean
Raimbault et Iddo Samet. Int. Math. Res. Not., à paraître (prépublication sur Arxiv).
- On the linearity
of lattices in affine buildings and ergodicity of the singular Cartan
flow, Uri Bader, Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, Jean
Lécureux. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (2019), pp. 491-562.
- Subgroup growth of virtually cyclic right-angled Coxeter groups and their free products, Hyungryul Baik, Jean Raimbault et Bram Petri. Combinatorica, 39 issue 4 (2019), pp. 779-811
- Subgroup growth
of right-angled Artin and Coxeter groups, Hyungryul Baik, Jean
Raimbault et Bram Petri, à paraître au Journal de la LMS.
- An automata group
of intermediate growth and exponential activity,
Jérémie Brieussel, Journal of Group Theory 21 (4),
pp. 573-578 (2018)
- Shalom's property
HFD and extensions by Z of locally finite groups,
Jérémie Brieussel et Tianyi Zheng, Israel J. Math,
à paraître.
- Cubulable Kähler groups, Thomas Delzant et Pierre Py, Geometry & Topology, vol. 23, No. 4 (2019)
- Topological properties of Wazewski dendrite groups, Bruno Duchesne, Journal de l’École Polytechnique. 7 (2020), 431-477.
- Structural
properties of dendrite groups, Bruno Duchesne et Nicolas Monod, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 371 (2019), 1925-1949
- Kaleidoscopic groups: permutation groups constructed from dendrite homeomorphism, Bruno Duchesne, Nicolas Monod and Phillip Wesolek. Fund. Math. 247 (2019) , 229-274
- A new lattice invariant for lattices in totally disconnected locally compact groups, Bruno Duchesne,Robin Tucker-Drob and Phillip Wesolek.To appear in Israel Journal of Mathematics
- Random walks and
boundaries of CAT(0) cubical complexes, Talia Fernós,
Jean Lécureux, Frédéric
Mathéus. Comment. Math. Helv, Volume 93, Issue 2, 2018, pp.
- Betti numbers of
Shimura curves and arithmetic three-orbifolds, Mikolaj Fraczyk et
Jean Raimbault, à paraître à Algebra and Number Theory.
- Generic properties in some classes of automaton groups,
Thibault Godin, AUTOMATA 2019.
- Hyperbolic
rigidity of higher rank lattices, Thomas Haettel, avec un
appendice de Vincent Guirardel et Camille Horbez, Ann. Sci. ENS, à
- Virtually cocompactly cubulated Artin-Tits groups, Thomas Haettel, accepté à
IMRN (2020).
- Banach space actions and L2-spectral gap, Tim de Last et Mikael de la Salle, accepté à Anal. PDE.
- Cayley graphs with few automorphisms, P.-H. Leemann et Mikael de la Salle, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (accepted).
- Self-representations of the Moebius group, Nicolas Monod et Pierre Py, Annales Henri Lebesgue, vol. 2 (2019)
- On the torsion in symmetric powers on congruence subgroups of Bianchi groups, Jonathan Pfaff et Jean Raimbault. Transactions AMS 373 issue 1 (2020), pp. 109-148
- Hyperbolic spaces, principal series and O(2,∞), P. Py et A. Sánchez, Archiv der Mathematik, vol. 114, No. 1 (2020)
- Strong property (T) for higher rank lattice, M. de la Salle, Acta Math. 223 (2019), no. 1, 151-193.
- Noise sensitivity of random walks on groups, Itaï Benjamini et Jérémie Brieussel.
- Numerical upper
bounds on growth of automata groups,
Jérémie Brieussel, Thibault Godin et Bijan
- Random walks on
the discrete affine group, Jérémie
Brieussel, Ryokichi Tanaka et Tianyi Zheng.
- Non-standard limits of graphs and some orbit equivalence invariants, Alessandro Carderi, Damien Gaboriau, Mikael de la Salle
- Tangent bundles of hyperbolic spaces and proper affine actions on Lp spaces Indira Chatterji, François Dahmani, Thomas Haettel, Jean Lécureux
- Representations of infinite dimension orthogonal groups of quadratic forms with finite index Bruno Duchesne.
- The Polish topology of the isometry group of the infinite dimensional hyperbolic space Bruno Duchesne.
- Boundary maps and
maximal representations on infinite dimensional Hermitian symmetric
spaces, Bruno Duchesne, Jean Lécureux et Beatrice Pozzetti.
- A new lattice
invariant for lattices in totally disconnected locally compact groups,
Bruno Duchesne, Robin Tucker-Drob et Phillip Wesolek.
- CAT(0) cube complexes and inner amenability,
Bruno Duchesne, Robin Tucker-Drob et Phillip Wesolek.
- Cocycle superrigidity from higher rank lattices to Out(FN), Vincent Guirardel, Camille Horbez, Jean Lécureux.
- XXL type Artin groups are CAT(0) and acylindrically hyperbolic, Thomas Haettel.
- Cubulation of some triangle-free Artin-Tits groups, Thomas Haettel.
- Horofunction
Compactifications of Symmetric Spaces, Thomas Haettel,
Anna-Sofie Schilling, Cormac Walsh et Anna Wienhard.
- Proper proximality in non-positive curvature, Camille Horbez, Jingyin Huang, Jean Lécureux
- Profinite invariants of arithmetic groups, Holger Kammeyer, Steffen Kionke, Jean Raimbault et Roman Sauer.
- Mapping class groups, multiple Kodaira fibrations, and CAT(0) spaces, Claudio Llosa Isenrich, Pierre Py
- Isometric actions on Lp-spaces: dependence on the value of p, Amine Marrakchi, Mikael de la Salle
- Irrational pencils and Betti numbers, Francisco Nicolás, Pierre Py
- Fourier multipliers in SLn(R), Javier Parcet, Éric Ricard, Mikael de la Salle