Thomas Haettel
Born on April 29th, 1986 in Saint-Nazaire (France). Married, four children.
Current position
Maître de conférences HDR in the University of Montpellier and in the IUT Montpellier-Sète, since 2013.
- Member of the ANR Jeunes AGIRA (Actions de Groupes, Isométries, Rigidité et Aléa).
- Member of the GDR Platon network:
Geometry, Arithmetics and Probability.
- Member of the GDR Tresses network
- Member of the GEAR network:
GEometric structures And Representation varieties.
- 2009-2012 : Mathematics PhD in the Université Paris-Sud 11, under the supervision of Frédéric Paulin.
- 2008 : Mathematics Masters degree in the Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6.
- 2009 : Two-months stay in the Chennai Mathematical Institute in Chennai, in India.
- 2007 : Agrégation (french national mathematics teaching competitive examination).
- 2005-2009 : Mathematics studies in the ENS Paris.
- 2003-2005 : Preparatory classes in the Lycée Clémenceau, in Nantes.
- Badminton
- Playing and creating boardgames