

Teaching a class of Fluid Mechanics (since 2012)

The objective of this course is to provide student engineers with basics of fluid mechanics. (total time: 45h).

Teaching and advising projects in Data Processing (2010-2011)

The course consisted in giving to the students some bases about processing experimental data. It covered subjets as data sampling and the associated errors, Fourier transforms, interpolation, statistics. The second part of the ocurse was devoted to projects concerning data processing. For a given data (image, sound, experimental measurements...), the students had to build a Matlab program able to extract the relevant information (total time: 30h).

Advising projects in Mathematics for Engineering (2009-2010 and 2010-2011)

Theoretical and numerical resolution of partial differential equations for Engineering applications (30h each year).
Here are a few examples of subjects proposed:

Teaching in Aerodynamics (2008)

ENSICA (Toulouse)
Experimental study of the flow around subsonic profile (20h).