Details about the calculations can be found on the web page dedicated to blood flow simulations and on the YALES2BIO website.

Instantaneous volume rendering of vorticity magnitude of the flow in a patient-specific left heart (calculation from C. Chnafa, IMAG)

Instantaneous volume rendering of vorticity magnitude of the flow through an articficial valve (calculation from J. Siguenza, IMAG)

Instantaneous volume rendering of vorticity magnitude of the flow in a ventricle of the CARMAT heart (calculation from A. Larroque, IMAG)

Red blood cell at high shear rate in physiological conditions of viscosity: the trilobe (calculation from S. Mendez, IMAG)

Suspension of red blood cells at hematocrit 20 percent in square channel (calculation from S. Mendez, IMAG)
Perforated plates

Instantaneous solution: iso-surface of the Q-criterion colored by velocity magnitude

Instantaneous vorticity field on the symmetry plane
MOVIE: Animation of Q criterion to observe the vortical structure in the flow through an inclined perforation
MOVIE: Flow through a perforated submitted to an incident acoustic wave, normal to the plate. Velocity and vorticity fields
MOVIE: Computational domain with 4 jets included
MOVIE: My PhD defense movie...
Supersonic jet noise

View of the development of an unheated supersonic jet from the nozzle exit

Instantaneous solution of a supersonic jet flow, at Mach 1.4. Mass density visualization

Instantaneous field of velocity magnitude on the symmetry plane of a supersonic jet
MOVIE: Animation of mass density in a heated supersonic jet at Mach 1.4