Chargé de recherche CNRS
- Le paradoxe des anniversaires , joint with Alice Cleynen. Sometimes I do online grocery shopping, and crazy things happen.
- Une famille infinie de nœuds I and II, joint with Thibault Godin, published on the website Image des mathématiques. Have you ever tried proving that there are infinitely many knots? One can do so by elementary means, but it's still a bit involved!
- Algèbre diagrammatique et catégorification, joint with Paul Wedrich, published in la Gazette des Mathématiciens. We give an easy illustration of the idea of categorification, that should be readable by anyone with a basic mathematical background (and some French-reading skills).
- Sac de nœuds: activity available on Kits Mathématiques. The instruction sheet for this outreach activity was prepared with Léa Dusollier.
- Peut-on dénouer le nœud de trèfle ?: activity available on Kits Mathématiques. The instruction sheet for this outreach activity was prepared with Léa Dusollier and Thibault Godin.
- Des nœuds en bâtons: activity available on Kits Mathématiques. The instruction sheet for this outreach activity was prepared with Léa Dusollier.