Michele Bolognesi

Professor of Algebra and Geometry, Deputy Director of the:
Institut Montpellierain Alexander Grothendieck 
Universite' de Montpellier

Institut Montpellierain Alexander Grothendieck
Universite' de Montpellier
Case Courrier 051
Place Eugene Bataillon
34095 Montpellier cedex 5

Email:  michele.bolognesi(at)umontpellier(dot)fr

Michele Bolognesi    


Domains of interest:
Algebraic geometry, moduli theory, derived categories, birational geometry, homological algebra, projective geometry.

A short CV : Vita.

I am the deputy director of the IMAG institute.

Recent activities (future or past) :
Our favourite semestral seminar of algebraic geometry: the SMGA .
The 60th birthday conference of Angelo Vistoli.
Groupe de travail NAGANA , numerical algebraic geometry and algebraic numerical analysis.
Here's a complete list of my organizational work.

Institut de cybersecurite de l'Occitanie :
Starting from February 2022, I am member of the steering committee of the Institut de cybersecurite de l'Occitanie.
Grants for phd students, post-docs, scientific projects and conferences for 2025/26 are available on the website of the ICO: here

Editorial Work :
Perspectives on Four Decades of Algebraic Geometry. In Memory of Alberto Collino (A.Albano, P.Aluffi, M.Bolognesi, C.Casagrande, E.Colombo, A.Conte, A.Grassi, C.Pedrini, G.P.Pirola, A.Verra Editors). Volume 1 and Volume 2


1) The Prym-Hitchin Connection and Anti-Invariant Level-Rank Duality, (with T.Baier, J.Martens and C.Pauly), p.1-44   arXiv,

2) Double EPW sextics and the Voisin filtration on zero-cycles (with R. Laterveer), p.1-21   arXiv,

3) Moduli of Cubic fourfolds and reducible OADP surfaces (with H.Awada and Z.Brahimi), p.1-20   arXiv,

4) A 9-dimensional family of K3 surfaces with finite dimensional motive (with R.Laterveer), p.1-20   arXiv, to appear on Rend. Circ. Mat. di Palermo

5) Cox rings of blow-ups of mulitprojective spaces (with A.Massarenti and E.Poma), p.1-12   arXiv, to appear on Collectanea Mathematica

6) Hecke cycles on moduli of vector bundles and orbital degeneracy loci (with V.Benedetti, D.Faenzi and L.Manivel), p.1-21   arXiv, to appear on Journ. of Alg. Geom.

7) The Coble quadric (with V.Benedetti, D.Faenzi and L.Manivel), p.1-24   arXiv, to appear on Forum of Mathematics, Sigma

8) On the Chow Ring of Fano Fourfolds of K3 type (with R.Laterveer), p.1-29   arXiv To appear on Persepective on Four Decades: Algebraic Geometry 1980-2020, to the memory of A. Collino

9) Some motivic properties of Gushel-Mukai sixfolds (with R.Laterveer), p.1-22   arXiv To appear on Mathematische Nachrichten

10) K3 surfaces and cubic fourfolds with Abelian motive(with C.Pedrini and H.Awada), p.1-30   arXiv

11) Birationl Geometry of Some Universal Families of n-pointed Fano Fourfolds.(with H.Awada and G.Stagliano'), p.1-14   arXiv To appear on the European Journal of Mathematics

12) The Hitchin connection in arbitrary characteristic. (with T.Baier, J.Martens and C.Pauly), p.1-48   arXiv To appear on the Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu

13) Unirationality of certain universal families of cubic fourfolds. (with H. Awada)   : here , and slides for a talk about this: there . Rationality of varieties, 97-112, Progr. Math., 342, Birkhauser/Springer, Cham, (2021)

14) The hyperelliptic theta map and osculating projections. (with N. Fernandez-Vargas)   : here , . Nagoya Math. J. 245 (2022), 206-228.

15) The transcendental motive of a cubic fourfold (with C. Pedrini), p.1-20   arXiv J. Pure Appl. Algebra 224 (2020), no. 8, 106333, 16 pp.

16) Moduli spaces of (1,7)-polarized abelian surfaces and varieties of sums of powers (with A. Massarenti), p.1-14   arXiv Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2018, Vol. 125, 23-32.

17) Birational geometry of moduli spaces of configurations of points on the line (with A. Massarenti), p. 1-34   arXiv Algebra Number Theory 15 (2021), no. 2, 513-544.

18) Some loci of rational cubic fourfolds , (with F.Russo and G.Stagliano), p.1-27   arXiv Math. Annalen, 373, 165-190, (2019).

19) Homological Projective Duality for determinantal varieties. (with M.Bernardara and D.Faenzi) p.1-23  
Advances in Math. 296 (2016), 181?209. arXiv

20) Moduli 3of abelian surfaces, symmetric theta structures and theta characteristics. (with A. Massarenti) p.1-44   arXiv
Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, Vol. 91, Issue 3, 2016, 563-608,

21) Mapping class groups of trigonal loci. (with Michael Loenne) p. 1-23   arXiv,
Selecta Math. (N.S.) 22 (2016), no. 1, 417?445.

22) Factorization of point configurations, cyclic covers and conformal blocks. (with N.Giansiracusa) p. 1-23   arXiv,
Journ. of the Eur. Math. Soc., Vol. 17, p.2453-2471

23) Cubic fourfolds containing a plane and a quintic del Pezzo surface. (with A.Auel, M.Bernardara and A.Varilly-Alvarado) journal,
Algebraic Geometry , Volume 1, Issue 2 (March 2014), p. 181-193

24) Fibrations in complete intersection of quadrics, Clifford algebras, derived categories and rationality problems. (with A.Auel and M.Bernardara)   arXiv
Jour. de Math. pures et appl. 102 (2014), pp. 249--291.

25)Categorical representability and intermediate Jacobians of Fano threefolds. (with M.Bernardara) arXiv
EMS Series of Congress Reports- Derived categories in algebraic geometry, p.1?25, EMS Ser. Congr. Rep., Eur. Math. Soc., Z?ich, 2012.

26) Derived categories and rationality of conic bundles. (with M.Bernardara) arXiv
Compositio Mathematica 149, n.11,1789-1817 (2013).

27) Coherent systems and birational geometry of SU_C(r). (with S.Brivio) arXiv
Internat. Journ. of Math (2012), 23 (4) 1-23.

28) Forgetful linear systems on the projective space and rational normal curves over M_{0,2n}^{GIT} arXiv
Bull. London Math. Soc. (2011) 43(3): 583-596.

29) A structure theorem for SU_C(2) and the moduli of pointed rational curves. (with A.Alzati) arXiv
J. Algebraic Geom. 24 (2015), no. 2, 283?310.

30) Stacks of trigonal curves (with A.Vistoli) arXiv
Trans. of the AMS , 364 (7), 3365-3393.

31) Osculating spaces and diophantine equations (with G.Pirola) arXiv
Math. Nach. Volume 284, Issue 8-9, pages 960?972, June 2011

32) A Conic Bundle Degenerating on the Kummer Surface arXiv
Math. Zeit. , 261 n.1, 149-168

33) On Weddle Surfaces and Their Moduli arXiv
Adv. in Geom. 7 (2007), no. 1, 113-144.


Surfaces de Weddle et Leurs Espaces de Modules, 99 pages. PDF.  (Phd Thesis, Universite' de Montpellier II, November 2006.)

- Fibres vectoriels, espaces de modules et categories derivees, 68 pages. PDF.  (Habilitation Thesis, Universite' de Rennes I, November 2013.)

My Phd students and their work under my guidance here

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