
3239 documents

  • Philippe G. Ciarlet, Oana Iosifescu. The space on a surface – Application to Donati-like compatibility conditions on a surface. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, 2013, 351 (23-24), pp.943 - 947. ⟨10.1016/j.crma.2013.10.023⟩. ⟨hal-01818776⟩
  • Cyrille Joutard. Large deviation approximations for the Mann–Whitney statistic and the Jonckheere–Terpstra statistic. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 2013, 25 (4), pp.873 - 888. ⟨10.1080/10485252.2013.816701⟩. ⟨hal-01817764⟩
  • Marie-Line Gardes. Étude de processus de recherche de chercheurs, élèves et étudiants, engagés dans la recherche d'un problème non résolu en théorie des nombres. Education. Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2013. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-00948332⟩
  • Pierre Frankel, Guillaume Garrigos, Juan Peypouquet. Splitting methods with variable metric for KL functions. 2013. ⟨hal-00987523v2⟩
  • Fabien Campillo, Coralie Fritsch. A mass-structured individual-based model of the chemostat: convergence and simulation. [Research Report] 2013. ⟨hal-00850959v3⟩
  • Thomas Opitz. Extremal t processes: Elliptical domain of attraction and a spectral representation: Extremal processes. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2013, 122, pp.409-413. ⟨10.1016/j.jmva.2013.08.008⟩. ⟨hal-00818117⟩
  • Jean-Baptiste Durand, Baptiste Guitton, Jean Peyhardi, Yan Holtz, Yann Guédon, et al.. New insights for estimating the genetic value of F1 apple progenies for irregular bearing during the first years of tree production. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2013, 64 (16), pp.5099-5113. ⟨10.1093/jxb/ert297⟩. ⟨hal-00845353⟩
  • Christophe Crambes, André Mas. Asymptotics of prediction in functional linear regression with functional outputs. Bernoulli, 2013, 19 (5B), pp.2627 - 2651. ⟨10.3150/12-BEJ469⟩. ⟨hal-01819423⟩
  • Philippe G. Ciarlet, Oana Iosifescu. Greenʼs formulas with little regularity on a surface – Application to Donati-like compatibility conditions on a surface. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, 2013, 351 (21-22), pp.853 - 858. ⟨10.1016/j.crma.2013.10.016⟩. ⟨hal-01818784⟩
  • Mathieu Cathala. Problématiques d’analyse numérique et de modélisation pour écoulements de fluides environnementaux. Mathématiques générales [math.GM]. Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2013. Français. ⟨NNT : 2013MON20096⟩. ⟨tel-00874928v2⟩