
3413 documents

  • Fabien Marche. Numerical approximation of a new class of 2D dispersive Green-Naghdi equations. International Conference on Hyperbolic Systems (HYP2014), Aug 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ⟨hal-01111287⟩
  • Arnaud Duran. Discontinuous Galerkin approaches for Shallow Water and Green-Naghdi systems. International Conference on Hyperbolic Systems (HYP2014), Aug 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ⟨hal-01111286⟩
  • F Bonaldi, G Geymonat, F Krasucki, M Serpilli. TEMPERATURE INFLUENCE ON SMART STRUCTURES: A FIRST APPROACH. E. Onate, J. Oliver and A. Huerta. 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI),, Jul 2014, Barcelona, Spain. pp.3357-3368, 2014, ISBN/ISSN : 9788494284472. ⟨hal-01121908⟩
  • Andrea Brini, Renzo Cavalieri. Crepant resolutions and open strings II. 2014. ⟨hal-01116214⟩
  • Thomas Hausberger. Training teacher students to use history and epistemology tools: theory and practice on the basis of experiments conducted at Montpellier University. 7th European Summer University on the History and Epistemology in Mathematics Education, Jul 2014, Copenhague, Denmark. pp.221-236. ⟨hal-01083769⟩
  • Jean Peyhardi, Catherine Trottier, Yann Guédon. Partitioned conditional generalized linear models for categorical data. 29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling (IWSM 2014), Statistical Modelling Society, Jul 2014, Göttingen, Germany. 4 p. ⟨hal-01084505⟩
  • Cédric Bonnafé. Vogan classes and cells in the unequal parameter case. 2014. ⟨hal-00995159v4⟩
  • Daniele Antonio Di Pietro, Alexandre Ern. Hybrid High-Order methods for variable diffusion problems on general meshes. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, 2014, 353, pp.31--34. ⟨10.1016/j.crma.2014.10.013⟩. ⟨hal-01023302⟩
  • Boushra Abbas, Hedy Attouch. Dynamical systems and forward–backward algorithms associated with the sum of a convex subdifferential and a monotone cocoercive operator. Optimization, 2014, 64 (10), pp.2223-2252. ⟨10.1080/02331934.2014.971412⟩. ⟨hal-02072713⟩
  • Angelina Roche. Modélisation statistique pour données fonctionnelles : approches non-asymptotiques et méthodes adaptatives. Statistiques [math.ST]. Université Montpellier II, 2014. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩. ⟨tel-01023919⟩