
3248 documents

  • Térence Bayen, Francis Mairet, Marc Mazade. Fed-batch bioreactor with mortality rate. 9th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Sep 2013, Toulouse, France. pp.158-163, ⟨10.3182/20130904-3-FR-2041.00024⟩. ⟨hal-00850367⟩
  • Marc Herzlich. Parabolic geodesics as parallel curves in parabolic geometries. International Journal of Mathematics, 2013, 24 (9), pp.1350067. ⟨10.1142/S0129167X13500675⟩. ⟨hal-00718588⟩
  • Jean-Noel Bacro, Gwladys Toulemonde. Measuring and modelling multivariate and spatial dependence of extremes. Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2013, 154 (2), pp.139-155. ⟨hal-00914958⟩
  • Emmanuel Motheau, Yoann Méry, Franck Nicoud, Thierry Poinsot. Analysis and modelling of entropy modes in a realistic aeronautical gas turbine. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2013, 135 (9), pp.1-13. ⟨10.1115/1.4024953⟩. ⟨hal-00854160⟩
  • Andrei Asinowski, Jean Cardinal, Nathann Cohen, Sébastien Collette, Thomas Hackl, et al.. Coloring Hypergraphs Induced by Dynamic Point Sets and Bottomless Rectangles. WADS 2013, Aug 2013, Canada. pp.73-84. ⟨hal-00947748⟩
  • Jérôme Poineau, Andrea Pulita. The convergence Newton polygon of a $p$-adic differential equation III : global decomposition and controlling graphs. 2013. ⟨hal-00871215⟩
  • Marc Joannides, Irène Larramendy-Valverde. On geometry and scale of a stochastic chemostat. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2013, 42 (16), pp.2202-2211. ⟨10.1080/03610926.2012.746983⟩. ⟨hal-00800908⟩
  • Mathieu Cathala. Shallow water waves over polygonal bottoms. 2013. ⟨hal-00847843v2⟩
  • Jean Peyhardi, Catherine Trottier, Yann Guédon. A unifying framework for specifying generalized linear models for categorical data. 28th International Workshop on Statistical Modeling, Università degli Studi di Palermo. Palerme, ITA., Jul 2013, Palermo, Italy. pp.331-335. ⟨hal-00808270⟩
  • Anthony Blanc. Invariants topologiques des espaces non-commutatifs.. Mathématiques générales [math.GM]. Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2013. Français. ⟨NNT : 2013MON20085⟩. ⟨tel-01012109⟩