
3248 documents

  • Caroline Bardini, Michèle Artigue. New didactical phenomena prompted by TI-NSpire specificities - the mathematical component of the instrumentation process.. 6th Conference of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 2009, France. pp.1171-1180. ⟨hal-00808786⟩
  • Marc Herzlich. The canonical Cartan bundle and connection in CR geometry. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 2009, 146, pp.415-434. ⟨10.1017/S0305004108001527⟩. ⟨hal-00023617v3⟩
  • Abdelaati Daouia, Cyrille Joutard. Large deviation properties for empirical quantile-type production functions. Statistics, 2009, 43 (3), pp.267-277. ⟨10.1080/02331880802395963⟩. ⟨hal-00803116⟩
  • Rémi Carles. Rotating points for the conformal NLS scattering operator. Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations, 2009, 6 (1), pp.35-51. ⟨10.4310/DPDE.2009.v6.n1.a3⟩. ⟨hal-00339952v2⟩
  • Bijan Mohammadi, Shahram Derakhsan. Efficiency improvement of centrifugal reverse pumps. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2009, 131 (2), ⟨10.1115/1.3059700⟩. ⟨hal-00385727⟩
  • Ali Gannoun, Jerôme Saracco, Mohamed Chaouch. Estimation des quantiles géométriques conditionnels et non conditionnels. Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2009, 150 (2), pp.1-27. ⟨hal-00820549⟩
  • Gérard Biau, Benoît Cadre, David Y. Mason, Bruno Pelletier. Asymptotic Normality in Density Support Estimation. Electronic Journal of Probability, 2009, 14 (91), pp.2617-2635. ⟨10.1214/EJP.v14-722⟩. ⟨hal-00380359⟩
  • Matthieu Leyko, Franck Nicoud, Stéphane Moreau, Thierry Poinsot. Numerical and analytical investigation of the indirect combustion noise in a nozzle. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des sciences. Série IIb, Mécanique, 2009, 337 (6-7), pp.415-425. ⟨10.1016/j.crme.2009.06.025⟩. ⟨hal-00803811⟩
  • Alexandre Cabot. Asymptotics for a gradient system with memory term. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2009, 137, pp.3013-3024. ⟨10.1090/S0002-9939-09-09910-9⟩. ⟨hal-00333170⟩
  • Cédric Bonnafé. Automorphisms of Coxeter groups and Lusztig's conjectures for Hecke algebras with unequal parameters. Nagoya Mathematical Journal, 2009, 195, pp.153-164. ⟨10.1017/S0027763000009752⟩. ⟨hal-00794484⟩