
3341 documents

  • Giuseppe Geymonat, Françoise Krasucki. Hodge decomposition for symmetric matrix fields and the elasticity complex in Lipschitz domains. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 2009, 8 (1), pp.295 - 309. ⟨10.3934/cpaa.2009.8.295⟩. ⟨hal-01826986⟩
  • Paul-Emile Paradan. Symmetric spaces of the non-compact type: Lie groups. Séminaires et congrès, 2009, Géométries à courbure négative ou nulle, groupes discrets et rigidités (18), pp.39-76. ⟨hal-00773255⟩
  • Cédric Bonnafé, Raphaël Rouquier. Compactification des variétés de Deligne-Lusztig. Annales de l'Institut Fourier, 2009, 59, pp.621-640. ⟨10.5802/aif.2443⟩. ⟨hal-00794483⟩
  • Roberto Casarin, Jean-Michel Marin. Online data processing: comparison of Bayesian regularized particle filters. Electronic Journal of Statistics , 2009, 3, pp.239-258. ⟨10.1214/08-EJS256⟩. ⟨inria-00138007v3⟩
  • Christian Lavergne, Mohamed Saidane. Modelling and Forecasting Volatility Dynamics Using Quadratic GARCH-Factor Models: Empirical Evidence from International Foreign Exchange Markets. George I. Ellison. Stock Returns: Cyclicity, Prediction and Economic Consequences, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009, Financial Institutions and Services Series. ⟨hal-00327476⟩
  • Bijan Mohammadi, Jukka Tuomela. Involutive upgrades of Navier-Stokes solvers. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2009, 23, pp.439-447. ⟨10.1080/10618560903061337⟩. ⟨hal-00418174⟩
  • Anne-Laure Bessoud, Francoise Krasucki, Gérard Michaille. Multi-materials with strong interface: Variational modelings. Asymptotic Analysis, 2009, 61, pp.1-19. ⟨10.3233/ASY-2008-0903⟩. ⟨hal-00790347⟩
  • Lionel Cucala. A flexible spatial scan test for case event data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2009, 53 (8), pp.2843-2850. ⟨10.1016/j.csda.2008.10.008⟩. ⟨hal-00793825⟩
  • Claude Cibils, Pu Zhang. Calabi-Yau objects in triangulated categories. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 2009, 361, pp.6501-6519. ⟨10.1090/S0002-9947-09-04682-0⟩. ⟨hal-00121805⟩
  • Cédric Bonnafé. Semicontinuity properties of Kazhdan-Lusztig cells. New Zealand Journal of Mathematics, 2009, 39, pp.171-192. ⟨hal-00794485⟩