
3339 documents

  • Pierrette Chagneau, Frédéric Mortier, Nicolas Picard, Jean-Noel Bacro. Prediction of a multivariate random field made up by Gaussian and categorical variables. Prediction of a multivariate random field made up by Gaussian and categorical variables, 2008, United Kingdom. pp.22. ⟨hal-00801487⟩
  • Andrea Pulita. p-adic confluence of q-difference equations. Compositio Mathematica, 2008, Vol.144, p.867-919. ⟨10.1112/S0010437X07003454⟩. ⟨hal-00803815⟩
  • Laurent Hascoet, Mariano Vázquez, Bruno Koobus, Alain Dervieux. A Framework for Adjoint-based Shape Design and Error Control. Computational fluid dynamics journal, 2008, 16 (4), pp.454-464. ⟨hal-00799303⟩
  • Damien Isèbe, Pascal Azerad, Frederic Bouchette, Benjamin Ivorra, Bijan Mohammadi. Shape optimization of geotextile tubes for sandy beach protection. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2008, 74 (8), pp.1262-1277. ⟨10.1002/nme.2209⟩. ⟨hal-00411912⟩
  • Cyrille Joutard, Edoardo Airoldi, Stephen Fienberg, Tanzy Love. Discovery of Latent Patterns with Hierarchical Bayesian Mixed-Membership Models and the Issue of Model Choice. Data Mining Patterns: New Methods and Applications, IGI Global, pp.240-275, 2008. ⟨hal-00803146⟩
  • Rémi Carles, Satoshi Masaki. Semiclassical Analysis for Hartree equation. Asymptotic Analysis, 2008, 58 (4), pp.211-227. ⟨10.3233/ASY-2008-0882⟩. ⟨hal-00195618⟩
  • Moulay Tahar Benameur, James Heitsch. Index theorey and Non-Commutative Geometry. II. Dirac operators and index bundles. Journal of K-theory , 2008, 1 (2), pp.305-356. ⟨10.1017/is007011012jkt007⟩. ⟨hal-00004755⟩
  • Jean-Noel Bacro. Approches Statistiques et Stochastiques en Hydrologie. Dépendance des extrêmes spatiaux, 2008, France. ⟨hal-00801491⟩
  • Mohamed Saidane, Christian Lavergne. A New HMM Learning Algorithm for Event Studies: Empirical Evidence from the French Stock Market. Applied Economics Research Bulletin, 2008, 1, pp.1-30. ⟨hal-00193158⟩
  • Xavier Bry, Thomas Verron. Modélisation factorielle des interactions entre deux ensembles d'observations: la méthode FILM (Factor Interaction Linear Modelling). Revue de Statistique Appliquée, 2008, 149 (2), pp.3-43. ⟨hal-00806308⟩