
3341 documents

  • Oceane Cassan, Lea-Lou Pimpare, Mozzanino Timothy, Cecile Fizames, Sebastien Devidal, et al.. Natural genetic variation underlying the negative effect of elevated CO2 on ionome composition in Arabidopsis thaliana. eLife, 2023, 12 (RP90170), ⟨10.7554/eLife.90170.3⟩. ⟨hal-04592341v2⟩
  • Ibrahim Bouzalmat. Modeling and parameter estimation of a hidden multi-chain model of typhoid fever in Mayotte. 10th International Workshop on Applied Probability, Tsaklidis George, Dept of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) [Chair]; Kugiumtzis Dimitris, Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering, AUTh [Vice-Chair], Jun 2023, Tessaloniki, Greece. ⟨hal-04417479⟩
  • Antoine Rousseau, Vincent Guinot. Upscaled models and large CFL time schemes for hydraulic modeling. Rencontre annuelle 2023 GDR "Défis théoriques pour les sciences du climat", GDR Défis théoriques pour les sciences du climat, Jun 2023, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04117279⟩
  • Alice Cleynen, Benoîte de Saporta, Orlane Rossini, Régis Sabbadin. An example of medical treatment optimization under model uncertainty. Processus markoviens, semi-markoviens et leurs applications, Jun 2023, Montpellier (34000), France. ⟨hal-04525018⟩
  • Thomas Hausberger, Bernard Godelle. Meeting the biocalculus challenges: a reflection on didactic transposition processes in a cross-disciplinary context. The Learning and Teaching of Calculus Across Disciplines, MatRIC, Jun 2023, Bergen (NO), Norway. pp.109-112. ⟨hal-04239935⟩
  • Omar Ettarguy, Ahlame Begdouri, Salem Benferhat, Carole Delenne. Syntactic computation of Fagin-Halpern conditioning in possibility theory. LPAR 2023 - 24th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning, Jun 2023, Manizales, Colombia. pp.164-146, ⟨10.29007/9pjn⟩. ⟨hal-04377873⟩
  • Chloé Serre-Combe, Nicolas Meyer, Thomas Opitz, Gwladys Toulemonde. Vers la modélisation statistique de précipitations urbaines à fine échelle spatio-temporelle. RESSTE 2023 - Journée "Événements extrèmes et risques", Jun 2023, Marseille, France. ⟨hal-04374066⟩
  • Hedy Attouch, Aïcha Balhag, Zaki Chbani, Hassan Riahi. Accelerated Gradient Methods Combining Tikhonov Regularization with Geometric Damping Driven by the Hessian. Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2023, 88 (2), pp.29. ⟨10.1007/s00245-023-09997-x⟩. ⟨hal-04356632⟩
  • Clément Dupont, Javier Fresán. A construction of the polylogarithm motive. 2023. ⟨hal-04109369⟩
  • Daniele Di Pietro, Jérôme Droniou, Silvano Pitassi. Cohomology of the discrete de Rham complex on domains of general topology. Calcolo, 2023, 60 (2), pp.32. ⟨10.1007/s10092-023-00523-7⟩. ⟨hal-03767946⟩