Séminaire de Recherche en Didactique et Epistémologie des Mathématiques
jeudi 11 septembre 2014 à 17h15 - Faculté d'éducation, Place Marcel Godechot
Francisco ROJAS (Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile)
Students perception about Instructional Coherence of their Mathematics Teacher Educators.
While research on training and professional development of mathematics teachers has undergone deep reflections, the role given to teacher educators is just beginning to be explored in a substantive way. In general, it is expected that teacher educators give to prospective teachers opportunities to learn mathematics and how students are expected to learn it (Chapman, 2008) and to learn to teach mathematics. In our research, we want to study the mathematics teacher educator's (MTE) instructional practices, understood as mathematical activities proposed to students related to management of learning for instruction. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the Instructional Coherence, i.e. the distance between what is done in the university classroom and what the MTE tells his/her students to do in the processes of teaching and learning at school. Specifically, we want to share the results of a questionnaire about perception of coherence of prospective teachers, paying special attention to the modeling role of MTE.