Séminaire de Recherche en Didactique et Epistémologie des Mathématiques
mercredi 19 juin 2019 à 14:30 - Campus Triolet- Bâtiment 9 - 1er étage - Salle 109
Rolf Biehler (Universität Paderborn, Competence Centre for Research in University Mathematics Education (khdm))
The secondary ? tertiary transition in mathematics in Germany - focusing on research and development projects at the khdm
The presentation will start with reviewing the secondary-tertiary transition in mathematics in Germany, which recently became a topic of controversial educational policy. Different requirements for beginning students are articulated in the national educational school standards, in position papers from university mathematicians, and in those of mathematics educators. They depend on different views of mathematics, of the role of general school education, and of the challenges of beginning tertiary mathematics education. Within this context, results from research studies with beginning students in different study programs (mathematics for engineers, mathematics for economists and mathematics for future secondary) teachers are presented. Two studies related to innovative support measures for beginning students will be discussed in more depth. One study concerns a new course on ?introduction into the culture of mathematics?, focusing on proofs and proving, the other study concerns the success of pre-university mathematical bridging courses.