Séminaire Algèbre Géométrie Algébrique Topologie Algébrique
jeudi 24 février 2022 à 10:00 - Zoom
Alessandro Verra ()
On Morin cubic fourfolds and 2r-dimensional linear Pfaffians
In the first part of the talk some, classical and modern, geometry of Pfaffian cubic fourfolds and their moduli is revisited: from Morin and Fano issues on the rationality problem for cubic fourfolds to the seminal results by Beauville-Donagi on the K3 counterpart of the theory. Some results from a joint work in progress with Michele Bolognesi are then presented. This includes a series of projective algebraic descriptions, which are partially extending to linear Pfaffians of dimension 2r, and related Calabi-Yau varieties, the usual perspective on Pfaffian cubic fourfolds.