Séance Séminaire

From University Mathematics to Mathematics Education

lundi 08 novembre 2021 à 14:00 - Visioconférence

Max HOFFMAN (Université de Paderborn)

Geometry for Student Teachers: A holistic course concept as a contribution to overcoming the second discontinuity

At Paderborn University, student teachers (for the German "Gymnasium") attend some of their mathematics courses not together with Bachelor of Science students. This provides the opportunity to design and research course concepts which implement profession orientation in a holistic way. One of these courses is the "Geometry for Student Teachers". First, I will present theoretical considerations on the functions of academic mathematics competencies for professional teacher action and derive design principles for the implementation of profession orientation in mathematics courses for student teachers. Based on this, I will introduce the design of the course. Finally, I will describe in detail the development of selected interface learning opportunities, discuss real student work and present results of the accompanying research. Les personnes intéressées par ce séminaire sont invitées à écrire à Nicolas Grenier-Boley (nicolas.grenier-boley@univ-rouen.fr), afin d'être inscrites sur la liste de diffusion du séminaire et de recevoir le lien de visio-conférence à chaque séance.