Séance Séminaire

Séminaire des Doctorant·e·s

mercredi 06 décembre 2023 à 17:30 - Salle 109

Luca Lamanna ()

Interpretative processes in combinatorial problem solving: an overview

In this seminar we will approach the topic of combinatorial problem-solving in upper secondary school. The presentation will start focusing on the strategical approaches developed by students: in how many ways is it possible to solve a certain task? How do students solve combinatorial tasks? We will go deep into the relations between students' solutions and teachers' practices: how do teachers relate themselves with the moltitude of solving approaches proposed by students? How do teachers interpret students' non-standard solutions (and: what is a non-standard solution, in this case)? A global overview of an ongoing research in mathematics education will be given, starting from the origin of the problem to the actual state of the work.