PhD Thesis of Jérôme Droniou:
Study of some Partial Differential Equations
You can download my PhD thesis from this page, piece by piece or as a whole.
It has been written partially in French and partially in English.
As a whole: in .ps (3 MO) or
in .pdf (3,2 MO).
Piece by piece:
Introduction, table of contents and abstract (in French):
in .ps (407 ko) or
in .pdf (231 ko).
Noncoercive Elliptic Problems
(partially in English, partially in French):
in .ps (952 ko) or
in .pdf (734 ko). Some results of this part are linked to the appendix.
Uniqueness of the Solutions Obtained as Limits of Approximations
(partially in English, partially in French):
in .ps (526 ko) or
in .pdf (310 ko). The end of this part (section 5.2) uses some things
constructed in the preceding part.
The Hyperbolicity Condition for First Order Systems
(in English):
in .ps (611 ko) or
in .pdf (402 ko).
A Density Result in Sobolev Spaces
(in English): in .ps (309 ko) or
in .pdf (268 ko).
Convergence of a Finite Volume - Mixed Finite Element Method for a
System of a Hyperbolic Equation and an Elliptic Equation (in English):
in .ps (747 ko) or
in .pdf (438 ko).
Parabolic Capacity and Soft Measures for Nonlinear Parabolic Equations
(in English): in .ps (813 ko) or
in .pdf (438 ko).
References: in .ps (327 ko) or
in .pdf (100 ko). The references are those of the whole thesis.
Appendix - Hölder Continuity of the Solutions of an Elliptic Equation
(in French):
in .ps (450 ko) or
in .pdf (312 ko).