ANR - CE 40 "Mathématiques"
Efficient simulation of noise of rotating machines
  • Bilateral ANR/RSF collaboration - Franco-Russian project
  • Project Number : ANR-19-CE40-0020-01
  • Duration : 48 months + 6 months (extension due to Covid)
  • Starting date: 01/03/2020   /   Ending date: 31/08/2024
  • This work is done in the ANR project NORMA which is supported by the French ministry of Research under contract ANR-19-CE40-0020-01.
  • This project is funded by RSF for the Russian partner for a period of 36 months from March 1, 2020.
  • The authors gratefully acknowledge GENCI for granted access to HPC resources through CINES (France) and IDRIS (France).
  • Important note : after agreement from the ANR, anything mentioning the Russian partner dated after February 24, 2022 has been removed from the NORMA website (this concerns the "deliverables", "six-month periodic progress reports" and "communications", the Russian partner no longer participated in "work progress meetings" after this date).

Project's initial program (2019):

The ecology of urban areas is constantly deteriorating by noise generated by rotating machines (RM): helicopters (big and small civil helicopters for urgent medical help, for controlling traffic, for police...),future aerial taxis, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), wind turbines, etc. The installation of wind turbine is facing the problem of noise emission even far from towns. This will amplify with irruption of new RM in smart cities of near future. Noise mitigation can be obtained by optimizing RM shapes and design characteristics.
In particular, the aerodynamic properties of new rotating machines and especially the acoustic radiation generated by the growing army of the single-rotor machines and multi-rotor systems must be simulated accurately, but this is a difficult numerical challenge.
The partners join their efforts in developing new high-accuracy and parallel-implicit algorithms for predicting RM noise with scale-resolving turbulent flow simulation and far field acoustics. The challenge is to combine into novel algorithms three main methods, namely hybrid turbulence modeling (HTM), highly accurate low dispersion schemes, and immersed boundary methods (IBM) and to adapt them to aeroacoustic analysis in various RMs.
A 2018 review (in [1]) of the combination of IBM and scale resolving models mentions only 2 works dealing with compressible HTM [2,3]. These works rely on second-order approximations and involve neither moving geometry nor acoustics propagation. The combination which we propose will be the results of novelties for each ingredient and for the effort in combining them. High-order is mandatory for aeroacoustics since sound propagation can be accurately computed only with schemes of low dissipation and low dispersion. High-order accurate methods like ENO and Discontinuous Galerkin are very cpu-time consuming while not always showing good dispersive properties. The proposing French and Russian partners have introduced a family of edge-based high-order schemes that are perfectly well adapted to accurate acoustics [4]. This family of schemes has been continuously improved and extended to applications [5]. HTM is a stimulating domain of investigation and both partners has contributed and in particular for smart LES ingredients like the Dynamic Variational Multiscale (DVMS) model [6] which is specially adapted to acoustics due to its very low intrinsic dissipation. The adaptation of these methods to IBM is a difficult open problem since all their particular qualities need be saved when combined with IBM.

[1] P.E. Weiss and S. Deck, On the coupling of a zonal body-fitted/immersed boundary method with ZDES: application to the interaction on a realistic space launcher afterbody flow, Computer and Fluids, 176(2018)338-352.
[2] L. Mochel, P.E. Weiss and S. Deck, Zonal immersed boundary conditions: applications to a high Reynolds number afterbody flow, AIAA J. 2014; 52(12):2782-94.
[3] J. Tiacke, M. Mahak and P. Tucker, Large-scale multifidelity, multiphysics, hybrid Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes/Large-Eddy Simulation of an installed aeroengine, J. Propul Power 2016:1-12 doi:10.2514/1.B35947.
[4] I. Abalakin, A. Dervieux, T. Kozubskaya, On accuracy of noise direct calculation based on Euler model, International Journal of Aeroacoustics, Vol. 3, N 2, 2004, pp. 157-180.
[5] Bakhvalov Pavel, Abalakin Ilya, Kozubskaya Tatiana, Edge-based reconstruction schemes for unstructured tetrahedral meshes, Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids. 81(6) (2016) 331–356.
[6] C. Moussaed, S. Wornom, M.V. Salvetti, B. Koobus and A. Dervieux, Impact of dynamic subgrid-scale modeling in variational multiscale large-eddy simulation of bluff body flows, Acta Mechanica, 12 , 3309-3323, 2014.

Work softwares:

All developments and computations carried out in this research project are done with the parallel in-house research CFD code AIRONUM(*) (registered at APP) on the side of the French partners, and with the parallel in-house research CFD&CAA code NOISEtte for the Russian partner.

(*): The development of the code AIRONUM of INRIA and Montpellier university started in 2004.
AIRONUM was derived from the AERO software developed in a collaboration between University of Colorado at Boulder and INRIA. The main novelties concerned the focus on turbulence LES modeling and the choice of F95 programming language.
AIRONUM was mainly used for research on turbulence modeling, see e.g. [1-6,8-9].
This code was also used for research in numerical methods. Experiments were made with Tapenade for the Automatic Differentiation of AIRONUM. A particular emphasis were put on relatively massive parallel computing, with a research of scaling relying on the combination of Restrictive Additive Schwarz and deflation [7]. A novel multirate formulation was also developed in AIRONUM and is described in [10].

An example of application in turbulence carried out with AIRONUM:
Q iso-surfaces for two circular cylinders in tandem, DDES/DVMS (top) and DDES (bottom).

[1] V. Mariotti, S. Camarri, M.-V. Salvetti, B. Koobus, A. Dervieux, H. Guillard, S. Wornom, ``Numerical simulation of a jet in crossflow. Application to GRID computing'', INRIA RR 5638, aout 2005.
[2] B. Koobus, S. Camarri, M.V. Salvetti, S. Wornom, A. Dervieux, ``Parallel simulation of three-dimensional flows: application to turbulent wakes and two-phase compressible flows'', Advances in Engineering Software,38, 328-337, 2007.
[3] H. Ouvrard, B. Koobus, A. Dervieux, M. V. Salvetti, ``Classical and variational multiscale LES of the flow around a circular cylinder on unstructured grids'', Computers & Fluids, 39 (2010) 1083-1094.
[4] B. Koobus, F. Alauzet, A. Dervieux, ``Some compressible numerical models for unstructured meshes'', CFD Handbook, F. Magoulès Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington D.C. (2011),
[5] H. Ouvrard and M.V. Salvetti and S. Camarri and S. Wornom and A. Dervieux and B. Koobus, ``LES, variational multiscale LES and hybrid models'', CFD Handbook, F. Magoulès Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, New York, Washington D.C.,(2011).
[6] S. Wornom, H. Ouvrard, M.-V. Salvetti, B. Koobus, A. Dervieux, "Variational multiscale large-eddy simulations of the flowpast a circular cylinder : Reynolds number effects", Computers & Fluids, Volume 47, Issue 1, August 2011, Pages 44-50.
[7] H. Alcin, B. Koobus, O. Allain, A. Dervieux, ``Efficiency and scalability of a two-level Schwarz algorithm for incompressible and compressible flows'', Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, Volume 72, Issue 1, pages 69-89, 2013.
[8] C. Moussaed, M.V. Salvetti, S. Wornom, B. Koobus and A. Dervieux, ``Simulation of the flow past a circular cylinder in the supercritical regime by blending RANS and variational-multiscale LES models'', Journal of Fluids and Structures, Volume 47, May 2014, pages 114-123.
[9] C. Moussaed, S. Wornom, M.V. Salvetti, B. Koobus and A. Dervieux, ``Impact of dynamic subgrid-scale modeling in variational multiscale large-eddy simulation of bluff body flows'', Acta Mechanica, 12 , 3309-3323, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s00707-014-1112-6.
[10] E. Itam, S. Wornom, B. Koobus and A. Dervieux, ``A volume-agglomeration multirate time advancing for high Reynolds number flow simulation'', Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, (2019) 89: 8, 326-341.

Project launch meeting - CE 40, 13/11/2019 :

Short presentation of the NORMA project

Kick off meeting, 05/03/2020 :

Updated march 11, 2024.